Path of the Legion

In it's prime, the Armored Brigade was a legendary military force based out of Fort Stonehaven and later Fort Ironcog. This warforged armada acted as neutral arbiters in most global conflicts, taking the side of humanity in the face of threats to society be they from rising tyrants in the kingdoms of men, or the unspeakable monstrosities that oft encroach from beyond. A series of critical losses following the rise of Shuriig saw the Brigade shattered and torn to pieces.   Nearly thirty-two years later, the Armored Brigade has risen back to its former legendary status. With the recovery of Fort Ironcog at the hands of the The Council of Time, and under the unwavering leadership of Captain Armory, former members and new recruits alike have reassembled and once more take their place as staunch defenders of the realm from outside invaders, complimented by the legendary Ordnance system and its adaptability.    To join the Brigade is to join an organization home to many of the world's finest soldiers and marksmen. Accepting this path requires taking an oath of service to the Brigade, and an understanding that loyalty to the people and their protection comes above all else, including your own life as long as it means the success of the mission. That said, the Brigade goes great lengths to ensure such an eventually never comes to pass.   Those with the strength of will and mind to join the Brigade must travel to Fort Ironcog and visit the recruitment center. There, you will be assigned an MOS and provided one (1) Ordnance Mk. III unit. Following completion of basic training, you gain benefits as outlined below.  

Ordnance Mk. III

On joining the Armored Brigade, you will be provided one (1) Ordnance Mk. III firearm. You attune to this weapon as you would a magic item. If you are already attuned to three items, choose one and immediately end your attunement to the item. If your attunement to the item ends by unauthorized means, you will be considered AWOL and an Ironcog Delegate will be sent to retrieve you.    When you obtain Ordnance Mk. III, choose any one firearm from the Chromatian Weapon List, or choose a firearm already in your possession (provided it has no magical enchantments other than augmention). The weapon gains the following properties:  
  • Magic Weapon. The weapon is considered a +1 magical weapon, if not already augmented. 
  • Arcane Pulse Rounds. If the weapon normally deals piercing damage, it now deals force damage. Traditional bullets have been replaced with arcane bolts of force.
  • Bottomless Mags. If the weapon normally requires ammunition, it does not. The weapon magically loads itself and produces its own ammunition when fired. 
  • Tactical Advantage. The weapon functions as a sending stone, capable of contacting any other member of the Armored Brigade. Repeated messages to the same individual between long rests have a chance to be lost in transit, starting at 5% and increasing by 5% for each attempt after. 
Additionally, you gain the below traits while attuned to the weapon, as the Ordnance system improves your reflexes and capabilities while attuned.  


Between the enhancing powers of Ordnance Mk. III and the training provided on joining the Armored Brigade, your reflexes and accuracy have been enhanced to such an extent that you are lethal at any range between point blank and the limits of your weapon's reach. You gain the following traits.  
  • F.A.T.E. Drive. When you miss with an attack using your Ordnance weapon, you can activate this ability to hit instead. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you have completed a long rest. 
  • Quick Draw. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls. 
  • Sharpshooter. You gain the sharpshooter feat.
  • This is My Rifle. You gain proficiency with firearms if you are not already proficient. Additionally, you cannot be disarmed or forced to drop Ordnance while you are conscious unless you choose to allow it. 

Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)

On joining the Armored Brigade, you will be offered the chance to select one of three MOS Callsigns. Your chosen MOS provides an additional effect unique to your callsign, and alters other aspects of how the Ordnance system interacts with you while attuned.  
  • Cavalry. Your Ordnance weapon is integrated into a set of plate armor bearing a passing resemblance to a sturdy, mechanical steed. You are considered proficient with this armor. While wearing this armor, you are considered one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, and difficult terrain does not impede your movement. If you have not yet moved on your turn, the maximum range of Ordnance Mk. III is doubled until you move or until the start of your next turn. 
  • Dreadnaught. Your Ordnance weapon integrates with your body and assists in regulating your health to improve your resiliency in the field.. Your maximum hit points increase by 40, and you gain advantage on Constitution saving throws. 
  • Sentinel. Your Ordnance weapon comes attached with a threat sensor and a helmet overlay, granting the properties of a weapon of warning and a watchful helm.