Pillars of Ascension

"We have little interest in the limitations of common men. This world was made to be broken."   -A mad man, claiming to speak for "The Voices"
  You might think reaching level 20 is the end, and in most D&D games, you’d be correct.   But this is Chromatia. Fuck normal.   When a character reaches level 20, they are free to continue accruing experience points as normal. However, rather than gaining levels, you instead gain new powers at set milestones, beginning with a Pillar of Ascension when you first reach 400,000 experience points. Your choice of pillar sets the theme for how these powers take shape or form for you as you grow in power, representing your character's gradual transformation into something akin to a demigod. Note your choice in your respective #character-sheets thread.  
  • Those who choose to align with the Pillar of the Astral strengthen their spirit, in turn improving their connection with the outside realms. Their abilities manifest as divine powers akin to celestials and fiends. If you so choose, you may change your creature type to Celestial or Fiend.
  • Those who choose to align with the Pillar of the Phantasm strengthen their mind, letting it free from the constraints imposed by gods and men. Their abilities manifest as twists of reality, of powerful emotions and instincts made incarnate. If you so choose, you may change your creature type to Aberration, Fey, or Undead.
  • Those who choose to align with the Pillar of the World strengthen their body, focusing on the material aspects of their existence and cultivating them until they are on par with the very forces of nature themselves. Boons you choose manifest as physical changes to your body both subtle and obvious. If you choose, you may change your creature type to Beast, Elemental, Giant, or Plant.
  When you first reach 400,000 experience points, you may choose one of the following effects to indicate your new beginning as a Legendary Creature (yes, this means that if an effect specifies that a legendary creature is unaffected, then you are unaffected):  
  • Innate Spellcasting. You learn a single 8th level or lower spell or your choice, and may cast it once without spending a spell slot or components. The spell cannot be cast again this way for a number of days equal to the spell's level.
  • Legendary Resistance. When you fail a saving throw, you may choose to succeed instead. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
  Additionally when you reach this milestone, and every 100,000 experience points after that (up to a maximum of 1,400,000 experience points), you may choose an Epic Boon from the table below. As with your choice of pillar, note boons you select in your #character-sheets thread.