Quest Board

Located in the main hall of the Hero's Guild, the guild keeps track of all outstanding and ongoing requests flowing in from around the world and through its various connections to the major and minor settlements that dot its landscape. Guild administrators will typically take responsibility for a mission's oversight, providing information, assisting in final preparations, and anything else deemed necessary to seeing the mission accomplished successfully.   

The Basics

All quests and posted and tracked via the #quest-board channel by a Chromatian staff member. Staff run quests are typically a bit more involved than your typical social roleplay and will often feature challenging threats because we're a bunch of sadists and Chromatia is a notoriously dangerous realm.    Each quest has a limit of 4 players, except where staff note otherwise. However, just because the quest itself has a limit of four players, don't hesitate to sign-up if it's not already in progress and you're interested in joining. Staff generally try to take a number of factors into account before determining which four players to bring, like character experience, story tie-ins, guild rank, activity, and availability, so it's really anybody's game until the quest officially starts.   You are permitted to join multiple quests simultaneously, but please do so within reason. Don't go joining so many quests that others lose the time of day. Furthermore, if the same character will be joining multiple quests that may involve combat, we recommend cloning your character sheet and uploading the copy for the purposes of the additional quest(s). Post in #ask-a-gan if you're not sure how to do this.     

Rank Restrictions

Each quest posting includes a designated rank in its description. All players who meet the rank or are higher ranked than the listed option are permitted to join, mainly as a way of making sure players don't sign-up for quests beyond their skill level and consequently die in the process.    For example, consider your character has achieved a rank of Ruby within the guild. A new mission is posted with a rank of Emerald - since you are of a higher rank than Emerald, you're free to sign-up. Shortly after this, a second mission is posted with a rank of Bronze - as Ruby is below this rank, you would not be permitted to join the second quest until you ranked up yourself.   


If staff don't set a specific window or time frame to run a given quest in the post, scheduling will need to be worked out between all interested parties via the #lfg channel. For best results, list your available times in UTC to better coordinate with your fellow players (for example, players from AZ will typically use UTC-7 as their time zone).    Some quests may be done within an afternoon (such as the Rift the Veil quests), while other more intensive quests may be spread over several days. Make sure to confirm any expectations about time management with the DM prior to starting the mission.   

Quest Types

  All quests are classified with one (or more) of the below categories, in order to help characters get a better idea of what kind of mission they're signing up for.   
  • Bounty. A specific item or creature has been requested in exchange for rewards. These missions may involve hunting and (or) tracking the designated target(s), and often encounter combat in some capacity.
  • Diplomacy. Typically humanitarian missions requiring more developed social skills than combat. Negotiations, potential alliances, and other similar circumstances will often be captured under these missions.
  • Event. Large scale scenarios that may or may not have a player or rank limit, often involving server-wide threads with unique rewards, encounters, or experiences. As these are also typically free-form, scheduling usually won't be necessary nor a concern. 
  • Recon. A point of interest needs investigation. These missions will commonly favor stealth and espionage, but circumstances may vary.
  • Search & Rescue. Designated target(s) are missing or in danger and need found as soon as possible. These can occur during or following major disasters, and may involve a variety of elements both social and combative. 
  • Story. This event ties directly into the Chromatian story line. Progress in these missions contribute to the story's advancement and may result in new content in and around the guild. 

The Overseer

The "Overseer" is the NPC or character designated as the "expert" on the quest, and will either be the quest giver or the administrator responsible for forming the mission. This is the individual (or individuals) a character should seek out for any additional information related to the quest before departure, as the original posting on the quest board usually only contains enough information about the request to get an initial idea of what needs accomplished.