Requesting Approval

If you haven't already, ping Chromatian Staff in your planning thread and share the following:  
  • Your Ruby Tear
  • Your mission format (one-shot or campaign)
  • Your encounter(s) and budget(s) for each encounter. Please also include the CR of each monster (and the CR of any traps, hazards, or skill encounters) in your totals to help staff verify your totals a bit easier. 
  • Your reward list
  • A short outline of the story you plan to associate with the mission, if any, along with key details planned to come up (is this personal backstory to your PC, etc)
  • Your intended difficulty for the mission (easy, medium, hard, or deadly)
  Staff will review your request and, based on your intended difficulty, recommend a target rank to advertise for (ie, a deadly mission for rubies will probably only be hard for bronzes). Any other comments or critiques will be offered, and if any adjustments are needed, these will be noted too.   Assuming all is well and all necessary adjustments made, staff will approve your quest. From here, you're free to head over to lfg and begin advertising your mission to other players to form a party and get your mission running.