Scrolls & Tattoos

Look, while I can get you any scroll you're looking for, I cannot fix your lack of intellect should you fail to use it.   That means no refunds.   -Archmage Xeqwyll, Scrollbinder's College
  Among the services offered by the guild, the Scrollbinder's College assists with the production and sale of arcane scrolls and magic Spellwrought Tattoos. Like any other magic item, scrolls and tattoos have varying rarities - but the rarity is less determined by the items availability, and instead determined by the level of magic contained within the item. They've even been so courteous as to start teaching guild members how to produce the items themselves, under the same rules and guidelines as outlined in Artifice.   Legendary scrolls (9th level magic) cannot be purchased, and often require investments, quests, and arrangements beyond the college's means as a standalone organization. You'll need to be prepared to do quite a bit of legwork if you're looking to get your hands on one of these.  
  A few worthy reminders for those unfamiliar with scrolls or tattoos:
  • A scroll can only be used by a character who has the spell on their spell list, whether they actually know the spell or not. Thus, a wizard cannot use a scroll to cast a druid spell, unless the wizard has a feat or ability that taught allowed them to learn the spell in question or add it to their spell list.
  • If your character lacks knowledge of spell levels equivalent to the scroll being used, (for example, a level 3 character trying to use a 6th level scroll), you must succeed an Arcana check (DC 10 + the Spell's Level) or else the scroll is wasted without casting the spell.
  • Tattoos, on the other hand, can be used by anyone, whether you know any magic or not. However, tattoos cannot be used to contain spells greater than 5th level, so keep that in mind. No barbarians casting meteor swarm, unfortunately.