
Most gameplay, and some moderating functions, use Discord’s Threads function to keep things organized. Creating a thread is as simple as navigating to the desired channel and using the Thread button at the top to create a new thread. Proper etiquette requires you make both a thread for IC and OOC interactions, then use the mention (the "at" sign) system to ping the players who will be joining your thread (and the Imp role for lurkers who might want to read, if you don’t mind that) to bring them into the threads so they get notifications when other players post.   For more specifics on using threads, see the Discord documentation:   When it comes up, you format your thread titles like so: “Catchy Title [Status – Characters]”. A good thread title would look something like this:   Definitely Not Up To Something [Private – Aiskey, Kira, Gan, Wraith, Vulkan]   This tells the reader the thread is titled “Definitely Not Up to Something”, and that only those characters whose names are listed are allowed to join and play. Alternatively, something like this:   Talk to Me [Open – 4]   Tells me the thread is titled “Talk to Me”, and that anyone is free to join and play with me as long as we don’t go over four characters, because I struggle to play with large groups. It’s just as common to use “P” or “O” instead of Private or Open.   Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense. We’ll help you figure it out as it comes up. It’s normal for new players to join threads more than make them until they’re comfortable playing in the game world.  

Private Threads

There are a few places where we support private threads on the server. Private threads cannot be seen by anyone but you, staff, and people you ping into the thread. The three places we support private threads:  
  • Ask-a-Gan. Use private threads to bring up moderation concerns and reports. If you believe another user is violating one of the server’s rules, this is the place to do it. Do not PM staff about moderation requests – if it happened on the server, it needs to stay on the server.
  • Character Inspiration. Use private threads to ping Chromatian Staff and discuss character details and backstory notes you don’t necessarily want publicly available. This is normally used for folks who want their backstories to have a deeper connection to the world or the game’s story, but don’t want those specific details advertised to other players beyond what comes up in roleplay.
  • Character Sheets. For secret character submissions (usually for story purposes), you can make a private thread in the #character-sheets channel instead of a public thread. Staff reserve the right to require you to repost a sheet thread publicly.
  • Miscellania Approvals. For community game masters, use private threads here to ping Chromatian Staff, review the outline of your mission and seek approval for your encounter(s) and rewards before organizing and shipping out.
Private threads are made the same as standard threads but, during the creation process, you must check mark the “Make Thread Private” option else it will be visible to all other players.