What is Play-by-Post?

For those unfamiliar with the term, play-by-post is a format of play where, rather than physically meeting around a table or jumping into a virtual call to meet and play with everyone, gameplay in Chromatia relies instead on text-based roleplay. In essence, players and game masters take turns writing short posts “In Character” (IC). The format tends to be much slower paced than typical games, but in exchange, gameplay tends to be more laid back that most games and significantly more inclusive to players who may not otherwise speak up during a regular game or may not be able to play consistently because of mismatched time zones.   Older players may recognize many of the qualities associated with text-based roleplay from old school “forum” games, and you’re not far off from the concept – we’ve simply replaced the forum with Discord, which also permits site administration to focus more on the actual game than keeping a dedicated website up, hosted, and functional.