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”I’ve only heard stories from the dwarves. They say something terrible lives in mountains and hills, something not above ground. They say creatures that have the body of a canine, and bat attack them day and night, always making every little cave their home.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -Maulery 
These stubby, crawling, frightful creatures are the bane of any cave explorer, or unlucky dwarven miner that has stranded too far from civilization. Living within deep of the underground, Herdvors are a dangerous foe to anyone caught unprepared by their presence. Known to hunt in large groups, these creatures can and will overrun any larger predator, and will use their flight, claws, and teeth to catch and kill their prey.

Basic Information


Taking physical appearance from both canine and and bat, these creatures share both DNA together. A body like a smaller than average house dog, these creatures stand around 2 feet tall standing on their hind legs. The front "legs" of the creatures act more like arms than legs in reality. These limbs have wings on either side of them, and tiny, paw like claws that can rarely be used to grip objects. The bodies of Herdvors lack any fur to be seen, and they share a shiny black color for their skin, making them blend in easily with the dark of the caves they inhabit. Their faces are also a combination of canine and bat, with a small, scrunched face of a bat, with a smaller snout with very sharp teeth for biting.

Genetics and Reproduction

Herdvors are mammal, and can give birth to up to three offspring at once. A male Herdvor must prove himself worthy for a female mate by fighting another male Herdvor. The winner of this fight would be able to produce offspring with a waiting female Herdvor.

Growth Rate & Stages

It often takes a decade for one Herdvor to grow from infancy to adulthood within its life, although the chances of a Herdvor dying from old age is rare in this environment, and only the strongest die by old age. Much like a humans life stages, Herdvors go through a rapid growth stage near their first years of life.

Ecology and Habitats

Herdvors live in the dark of mountains and rolling hills, digging deep into the ground and living within extensive cave systems, these creatures make their homes within the crevasses of the caves, and within every large enough crack. They wander the dark caves, searching for prey, whether it be rodent or humanoid alike.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herdvors, being carnivores in nature, will eat anything they can get their claws on. They snack on small rodents that find their way down into the deep dark caves. Attacks from cave explorers reports are noted, and these creatures are very hostile towards humans and dwarves alike, or even cave trolls. Researchers hypothesis that Herdvors also eat their own dead or offspring, if the situation is dire enough.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Because of their natural dark habitat, Herdvors do not have good eye sight, and are regularly blinded by too much sudden light. Hervdvors retain echolocation from their bat ancestors, but at slightly reduced efficiency. Their sight is excellent, and they are able to hear soundwaves bouncing from wall to wall in caves to detect possible prey.
Scientific Name
Bats, Canines
10 years
Conservation Status
This creature is not under any sort of protection, in fact, most authorities recommend to kill and destroy any nests of Herdvors one would find. Certain hill ranges have been cut off for exploration entirely because of the amount of population these creatures have within them.
Average Height
2 feet
Average Weight
30 pounds
Average Length
3 feet
Geographic Distribution


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