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"If there ever was a place that represented the failure of humanity, what better place would there be than Stonefalls? Some say the blood of our ancestors still stains the ground of that cursed archipelago."


Stonefalls is comprised of eight main islands off the southern coast of Airgona. Although many more islands do exit in the archipelago. The eight main islands are named, from smallest to largest; Sentinel Island, Drokmech Island, Goltale Island, Tumberdech Island, Timberwood Island, Drumbbrig Island, and Enbleak Island. These Islands were once apart of a much larger continent, before it sank beneath the waves, never to surface again. That was, until recent volcanic activity formed the islands from the depths of the ocean, and making the islands breach the surface of the great ocean. Volcanos are found in the eastern side of Sentinel Island, and much more reside under the watery depths as well. Mountains and hills can be found on the larger of islands, causing for rough building terrain, especially for human infrastructure.


Each Island within Stonefalls, has different ecosystems within themselves, each being very different and varying. Sentinel Island has larger animals, and fertile ground due to the volcanic ash from its many volcanos, leading for high density of vegetation and plants, causing for many animals to call the island their home. Goltale Island has smaller animals, with it composing of animals that prefer the grasslands. On Islands such as Drochmech, animal life is tougher, with fewer plants being able to live in such rocky and bumpy terrain.

Localized Phenomena

On the South Eastern Islands, such as Drumbrig Island, during the season of the Spring, water levels rise and cover many portions of the islands there, with some sinking underneath the waves entirely. Because of this, few animals call these islands home, except for the most resilient of animals that do not mind moist climates, such as alligators. The water eventually recedes when Summer returns, but each year it seems as if the islands sink deeper and deeper into the waves with each coming season.


After the Great Banishment of the humans from the Old World by the gods for their corruption of the land and the blood they had spilled, the humans sailed across the sea until they had reached the islands known as Stonefalls. Wanting to rest from their great and long journey so far, the humans decided to settle on what is now called, Sentinel Island. Under the leadership of a strong, and respected name Shay Chein, the humans built many fortifications and a few settlements, the humans were able to create a small society on the island, making their capital Sratone. Sratone sat on the edge of a beautiful lake, where they managed to fish and hunt. Over time, the humans grew more and more ambitious, and decided to expand their small kingdom farther than Sentinel Island. Small expeditions were sent out, and landed on the islands of Merkchire, Timberwood, and Drokmech Islands. They created small settlements on these islands, and one larger one on Drokmech, known as Fort Semes.  

The Drucnek.

Little did the humans know, that Drokmech island was already settled, by a large tribe of a mythical species known only as the Drucnek. The Drucnek called Stonefalls their home, and have lived on the Archipelago for many, many years before the humans had. The Drucnek eventually found Fort Semes, and attacked the fortress, causing high casualties on both sides. The humans were barely able to hold onto their fort, as over half of its garrison had been either taken or killed by the Drucnek. Deciding to evacuate from the island, the humans retreated hastily back to Sentinel Island. The Drucnek eventually returned to finish off the humans at the fort, only to discover that they had fled. Unbeknownst to the humans. The Drucnek leaned from their technology, and created their own new weapons and ships.  

The Human- Drucnek War

After the Battle of Fort Semes, the humans were eager to take revenge, and take Drucnek Island itself. Small skirmishes soon began at sea, with the new Drucnek navy being an opposing force against the humans. A large force was gathered at the city-harbor of Begbun, and set out for Drucnek Island. Many Drucnek were sent out to fight and slow down the great human fleet. This gave the Drucnek valuable time to fortify their island and transform it into a large death trap. When the humans eventually landed on the island, hundreds were killed by traps, and thousands more by large battles fought against the large Drucnek defending force. By the time they had reached the capital of the Drucnek, they were down to almost 10000 men, half of what they had arrived with. Following a short siege, the humans were forced to retreat, when the last of the Drucnek reinforcements arrived from the surrounding islands they had conquered.  

Battles on Other Islands

Timberwood Island, and Merkchire Island were the biggest of contested territory within the Human-Drucnek war. Both sides sent thousands of their forces to secure the islands, but in the end, the humans were able to conquer and even build a port city on the island of Timberwood, which would threaten the Western coast of Drucnek Island for the remainder of the war. The Drucnek were able to secure and maintain a large presence on Merkchire Island, ridding the island of most of human resistance.   Light skirmishing would continue on to islands such as Goltale Island, and Enbleak island was used as a scouting island to watch for any Drucnek fleets that could be coming from the east. Drumbrig Island received the least of fighting in the war, being from the distance it was from the main fighting between Sentinel Island and Drucnek Island. Dozens of smaller islands were fought for between the archipelago as well, with hundreds of men and Drucnek dying for islands that would prove almost no difference in the war.   The end of the war came about three years later, when thousands of humans and Drucnek lied dead both within the sea and the land. The Drucnek were able to muster up a secret force, as they sent a smaller force to seem like they would invade Sentinel Island from the south, when they came from the east instead, quickly destroying the small garrison at Enbleak Island, and landing at the eastern coast of Sentinel Island. Their, they made their way through the harsh wasteland of eastern Sentinel Island, until they made their way to the capital of the humans on the island, in a complete surprise move.  

Invasion of Sentinel Island

Now they had landed on Sentinel Island, the Drucnek made their way through the country side, pillaging and destroying farms and villages, as the bulk of their army made their way towards the human capital of Culdover on the island. Smaller detachments of warriors were sent out to destroy the city ports of Reicnag, and Berkendire. Following a blockade of Drucnek ships that bombarded Berkendire, the city was the first to fall to the invading army. Reicnag was also quickly lost, although the small garrison put up quite the fight, and the sieging army of Drucnek looted and razed only half the city, leaving behind many civilians unharmed. Over at the capital of the humans, the great city of Culdover, the Drucnek gathered in great numbers at the city gates. The garrison stood strong for three days, before sending out their Calvary in a suicide charge, to relieve the city walls of suppression, and archers were placed back onto the walls. The Calvary lasted long enough for the garrison to reorganize, and retake the walls. The infantry was then sent out to meet the battered Drucnek army, after they had received several volleys of deadly archer fire from the city walls. After hours of fighting, the humans were able to route the Drucnek army, and win a pyrrhic victory, although at the cost of almost 3/4 of their army.  

Retreat From Stonefalls

After receiving news that both Reicneg and Berkendire had fallen to the Drucnek armies, and that more Drucnek reinforcements were on their way from Drockmech island, Shay Chein decided that it was in their best interest to retreat from Stonefalls, and to cut their losses. The humans recalled all of their forces from across Stonefalls to northern Sentinel Island, taking as much as they could carry. Leaving behind their smoking cities, the humans boarded their ships and formed a great fleet, and fled west.  

The Battle of the Waves

The Drucnek, not wanting to let their enemy escape, and realizing when they had come with their army to finish Culdover, that the humans had taken all of their valuables. Not wanting to let a looting opportunity such as this either to slip through their fingers, the Drucnek quickly rallied their fleet and gave chase to the human fleet led by Shay Chein. Because of the pure size of the human fleet, the Drucnek fleet were able to catch up to the humans. After a great battle, the humans were victorious under the leadership of Shay Chein, and sunk many Drucnek ships, including killing their chieftain. The humans were able to escape Stonefalls with minimal casualties, and escaped north west to find a new home.
Alternative Name(s)
The Second Lands


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