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The Grove

The Grove is the shelter, and home of the long forgotten half breeds of Wold. Here, they live their quiet lives, and live in solidarity and isolationism, as they go about their duties. They are ruled by the Grove's Council, which is made up of one Council Leader. Here, whatever they say, goes, and they rule and protect the Grove with their wisdom and power. The Grove is divided into different sections, each ruled by one large tree. For example, the Nurture Tree's main function is to raise the young of the Grove, and to care and nurture for them.


The half breeds are all "crossed" with a different animal, leading to a diverse, yet similar demographic of half breeds. Some inherit wings from flying creatures, others, paws from land animals. No two half breeds are directly the same.


Ruled by the Great Council, The Grove is run by those of The Council, which in turn is led by the Council Leader.


The half breeds of the Grove do well to protect their home for evil influence, both physically, and spiritually. There is no official army of the Grove, instead, several hundred elite, highly trained individuals are made into Grove scouts, which serve to handle important and dangerous matters within the Grove, as well as being the first and best defense against possible invaders. The Grove also has magical and powerful wards that surround the outer border, to protect themselves against any evil magics or tricks. The Grove also benefits from natural defenses, such as rough terrain and highly forested areas.

Industry & Trade

There is no outside trade to speak of in The Grove, instead, the half breeds trade amongst themselves out of goodwill, since there is no currency to speak of. Industry includes, food, clothing, art, furniture, and others.


Trees make up the building block of half breed society. Half breeds have hollowed out entire large trees to make their homes. Businesses are conducted within some trees, and even bath trees are common. The largest of these, are the ruling trees, which each make up a segment of Grove land. Small buildings are also made, such as farms and storages, although they are uncommon.


The Great Trees themselves are considered to be assets to many who live in the Grove, being strategic in their size and location, much can be done with and around them.

Guilds and Factions

The Scouts of the Grove serve as the main protection against any enemies of the Grove, and only answer to the Council itself. The Grove does not have the typical Guilds and factions one settlement would have in Wold, instead they have smaller, and less harmless guilds, such is that knitters guild, or fishing guild, which are far more prominent to their society.


Long ago, in the land of Roscrea, lived a tribe known as Seria. These people used evil and dark magic for selfish purpose, and a few were so vile, they would kill and torture animals for entertainment, cut down trees with no purpose, and poison the water for no reason. The rest of the tribe banished these wicked people, but before doing so, put a curse on them to make them become apart of the nature they once tormented, and they became half breeds, half human, half beast. They wandered Roscrea, trying to find a home, but no one nor place would accept them. Eventually, they found a patch of untamed wilderness, and colonized the land, calling it home. They would call the place The Grove, and have lived there ever since.


Since the Grove lives in isolation to the other races, and kingdoms of Wold, there is no know tourism to speak of, nor any outside contact with the rest of the world.


The half breeds use the trees they inhabit to diversify their architecture, meaning that they carve out pathways within their home, and tell the stories of their ancestors within carvings on the inside of the trunk of the tree they inhabit. As for buildings, rough, simple construction is used to erect buildings.


Situated at the edge of the River of the North, the Grove is positioned beneath the cliffs, that pour down waterfalls into the Grove, which forms the rivers in which they drink from. The Grove is essentially a large circle of heavily forested land. No one knows truly why this area is so fertile for plant life, but some have speculated that a combination of correct wind patterns, sun exposure, and an influx of water from the waterfalls, caused an unusually amount of plants and trees to grow on this land.

Natural Resources

There is no shortage of wood in the Grove, with sections of land being cut off in order to replant cut down trees to supply their wood. Quarries also dot the land, with large chunks of rock being mined out of the Earth. Water comes from the northern river, supplying the half breeds with enough drinking water. The fertile soul the Grove offers is also excellent for crops.
Excerpt from an adventurers journal: "I've been walking out here for days now, fell off a cliff and plummeted down into this little, well I do not really know what to call it exactly. Calling it simply a forest would put it to shame, its so thick, and I've seen some strange lights that hang from the tall tree branches. Gives this place a freaky glow and aesthetic to it. I have to get out of here, I think I saw some people talking aways off from me, but they didn't sound totally human, I can't explain it, but there was just something about their voices that set me off. I think they are my only hope now, I'm going to try and talk with them, I can hear them now.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Home of the Half Breeds
Inhabitant Demonym
Half breed


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