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The Old Land

Seen above; A painting of the old wars, which
a series of wars fought in the Old Lands, that
both the land and the human population
"Never before have I seen such great, wasted potential thrown away over such trivial differences, but such were the days of the Old Wars, with great human kingdoms rising, and falling. Tens of thousands of lives, thrown away for seemingly nothing. I only hope their descendants prove wiser."
The Old Lands were the first lands inhabited by humans, and perhaps, all of Wold. It was here that the gods created the first ancestors to the humans, and it was here that humans evolved into their current form. The Old Lands were the home to the humans for untold thousands of years, until greed, envy, and a lust for power let the humans into civil war, separating the once united species into many different kingdoms. There, many wars would occur between the kingdoms, leading to tens of thousands of deaths. These were known as the Old Wars.   The Old Land was divided up by three different peoples, which in turn, had several different factions fighting for control inside each of them. From the west, the Hesbor, the east. the Mageus, and the north, the Invengus.


The Old Land is comprised of two small continents that were once joined together, but were broken apart due to wars and conflict. These two continents lie on the most north western point of Wold, isolated from most civilization, with the closest known civilization being that of the gnomes of Gnome Island, but even that distance is almost too great for any ship to travel. The Northern Island is named Snu'ss's, and the Southern Island is named S'saasnc. Believed to be named from the gods themselves, since neither island fits proper naming scheme that was common among the humans of the land.  


The Northern Island, Snu'ss's received the heaviest fighting of the two islands during the Old Wars. Its very landscape began to change because of the conflict between the humans, with the Northern parts of the island growing dangerously cold and barren, and in the center of the island, volcanic activity began, and formed a large volcano, which rained down ash and fire on those ignorant enough to build homes and fortresses along its dark sides. It is heavily forested on either side of the island. The forests, however used to be much smaller because of the demand of lumber from the previous waring human kingdoms.   


The Southern Island, S'saasnc received slightly less fighting that its northern neighbor, Snu'ss's, S'saasnc was still heavily fought for. It is believed that on the most western part of the island, the fighting grew so intense that is broke apart the very land itself, forming an archipelago of sandy islands, now called the warm lands. S'saasnc is also home to the tallest mountain known on Wold itself, known as Mount Essles, which is where it is commonly believed that the gods created the very first primate, although the elves fiercely contest this theory. Grasslands dominate the middle portion of S'saasnc, and a great forest along the mountain range lies to the east of the island, which opens to a gulf, which many have given their lives for trying to capture it for their kingdom during the Old Wars.

Localized Phenomena

Located around the perimeter of the Old Lands, lies a mysterious mist that has remained around the Old Lands since the humans were forced to depart from the Old Lands. The mist is thick, and heavy, and is so saturated with water, it is almost impossible to breathe within it. Many fishermen and explorers have tried to enter the mist, however none have returned back to tell the tale what lies beyond the mist. Many scholars and theorists believe that the mist was placed by the gods to keep any unholy or any unworthy from entering into the Old Lands, keeping the land pure, as nature takes over the corrupted and destroyed land.


"It was here in The Old Lands that humanity blossomed into what it is now, we came down from the top of Mt Essless and have changed Wold ever since!"
  The history of The Old Lands is broken between three different stages, between The Old Age, (1000 1E-2500 1E) The Middle Age,(2500 1E-4000 1E) and The Late age. (4000 1E-5990 1E)  

The Old Age

The Old Age began with the final evolution of bipeds in The Old Lands, finally becoming like modern day humans, however scholars and historians believe that these humans were far stronger and taller than modern day humans within Roscrea. The Old Age was considered to be the most peaceful age of The Old Lands, with humans developing civilization and technology, which grew quite rapidly under the guidance of the gods that watched over them and cared for them. Eventually, the humans became masters over all of the wild life in the Old Lands, and constructed great fortresses and citadels that spanned the two islands. The Old Age saw great flourishment and prosperity for the humans, as their population soared, but would come to an end when the Old Wars would begin, ushering in the Middle Age.  

The Middle Age

Plagued by war, disease, and natural disaster, The Middle Age of The Old Lands saw the beginning of the Old Wars, and contains the bulk of The Old Wars as well. It was here that saw the greatest sieges within the wars, and saw many great kingdoms rise and fall. During this period, the very land itself began to crack and become corrupted by the bloodshed of the humans. Mountains were converted into volcanos, the warm lands became dry and neigh uninhabitable. The gods of the humans began conjuring a plan to withdraw the humans from this sacred land, and to heal what was now broken.  

The Late Age

After hundreds upon hundreds of years of fighting, The Late Age saw the Old Wars come to an end within The Old Lands, and the banishing of humans from the Old Lands. The Late Age saw the worst of the fighting within The Old Wars, with devastating amount of casualties, as the land of The Old Lands began to crumble under the corruption humans have brought upon it. The gods of the humans eventually decided to banish the humans from The Old Lands, and send them across the sea, searching for a new home. The gods of the humans then gathered all of the corruption within The Old Lands, and threw it across the world, cleansing the land from all corruption.

Notable Kingdoms within The Old Lands

  • Kingdom Esendus (Mid,  Hesbor)
  • Kingdom Scresnes (Old Mageus)
  • Kingdom Hismus (Old Hesbor)
  • Kingdom Numsens (Old Inventus) 
  • Kingdom Genseres (Mid Hesbor)
  • Kingdom Beneveils (Late Inventus)
  • Kingdom Adenthrail (Late Inventus) 
Alternative Name(s)
The First Lands


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