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The Realm of Goras

The Realm of Goras is the southern kingdom of the middle elves. It is mostly known for being the heart of Evermist. It is bordered by the Domain of Daliyar to the North, Urasmel to the west, Roscrea and Malatata to the East, and Hel-Krah to the south. The region is primarily populated by the celestric elves, or better known as the Middle Elves to the humans of Roscrea, although the kingdom is considered to be a melting pot of both different elvish cultures, as well as ork, ark, and human. The high elves to the north use the Realm of Goras as a buffer as to not dilute their way of life in the Domain of Daliyar. The region is also home to a plethora of different sub regions with varying biomes.  



The White Pass

Bordering Malatata, Roscrea, and Evermist, the White pass has traded hands through peace and conflict many times, and is considered to be the bloodiest region in all of Archtun, with the greatest number of battles between the races being fought in the region, ruining the landscape and fertility of the land. The White Pass stretches from the end of the Kenbarna Mountains to the northern edge of the Eastern Reaches. The notable ruins of the human Kingdom Faful lie to the northwest of the region. The Middle Elves sparsley populate the region now, keeping it as a buffer for their kingdom, with the fort-city of Minasthriel being the main settlement of the region, built atop the location of the infamous Three-Way Battle of the Pass. Because of this, the city is considered to be haunted, with an unusual amount of paranormal acitivies due to supposedly unrested spirits unable to pass on because of the city. The region is also home to several fanatic clans of both arks, orks, and humans indepdenent of their respective organizations in a desperate attempt to claim the region for their own race of people.    

Marael Highlands

The Marael Highlands are a region of the Realm of Goras that stretch throughout the length of its western border with Malatata. The region is considered dry and rocky, with several hills lining its interior. A special type of tree the local elves call the oukai also dot the region, giving the structures its own quality not found anywere else. The remannts of the Ordxer Forest are also found in this region. The Sect of Bilgroud claim this region their home, who are considered heretics by the other elves for their devotion to Meredian and Bilgroud instead of Ilal-Bilendiuer. They live high in the hills and often skirmish with the hill trolls and local bandit groups and cultusts that also make the highlands their home due to the strong usage of dark magic that is used in the region. The middle elves have several settlements in the region as well as military forts to watch their western border, such as the city of Kelifuen, the town of Katyr, and the all female village of Lenusa run by the Circle of Matriarchs. Fort Grail sits along the highest of the hills overlooking the Eastern Reaches and Orothion Pass.  

Ilibryen Lowlands

The Ilibryen Lowlands is a region found to the southeast of Ratha-Gas. It is mostly flat and low compared to the surrounding terrain and is used primarily as grazing for the gryffels of the middle elves. Much of the land belongs to private owners of gryffel farms where they are sold. The Rider's Guild built their headquarters in the region in the late first era. Notable settlements include Aais-Cradi, and Sorenla.  


The center region of the realm that contains mostly the separated pleateu that holds the great city of Selevin. The region was once believed to be mostly flat before the construction of the city. It is famed for its high waterfall that stretches up Mount Aire      


Ratha-Gas is the northern-most region of the Realm of Goras that borders the Domain of Daliyar. The region is mostly flat and sees the end of the dense forests of Daliyar that crawl downwards and end in the region. The region is separated into two different forests, separated physically by the Rodrian Highway. the western forest (also known as the Plathorian Forest) is considered to be holy, as it is said that the forest itself is one massive organism that was birthed by Ilal-Bilendiuer to give the elves a home. Many elves use the forest as a quiet abode, and many temples line the forest as well as monostaries. the Peak of Ithronel gives view of the entire region and sits the religious elite of all the forest. The eastern forest (also known as the forest of shadow) is the inverse of the west, with the witch elves of Woad tourment the region and worship the Forsaken Gods. This leads to turrents of dark magic to shoot from the ground in different locations.  


Alabast is a southern region of the Realm of Goras. It is known for its collosal roots that stretch out from trees that grow upside down. These roots cover the land and sometimes bunch up into bundles, which the elves have created villages, towns, and cities out of. The roots once a year bloom special pedals and are sent into the air in what is known as the Ephrieal Blossom. The region is also home to the Sylvan Eclipse, which are rebels that wish to burn the roots in order for Alabast to become as prosperous as the other regions in the realm. The region is also home to a special kind of giant spider known as the Starweaver Spiders. Notable settlements include Aelinthalas, the great root city, Lumineria Glades, and Aaebeis.   The White Coast The White Coast is a region in the south of the Realm, bordering Alabast. It is home to powerful middle elves that have mastered ice and wind magic, creating a contrast between the warm beaches and the ice-inspired architecture of the region. The Chilled Peaks separate this region from the rest of the realm and end at the mysterious and dangerous Frostspire, which contain dangerous ice monsters that could take over the region.   Caaenveld Caaenveld is a southern region of the Realm of Goras that borders Alabast to the east, and the Mareal Highlands to the west.  

Barowill Peaks

Barowill Peaks is the southwesternmost region of the Realm of Goras and perhaps the least populated and civilized within the Realm. it is characterized by its mountainous and hilly terrain along with a flowing river that snakes its way through the region and forms a lake near Peddlewood Halls. The region is not home to much fauna nor fertile soil causing it to be sparsely populated, but a popular spot for bandits and necromancers, many of whom are orkish and arkish in ethnicity. The most populated settlement in the region is Couradel, a small town nestled within four mountains and right across from the two rivaling masters Skin and Blister. Fort Gnoll also overlooks the region, although since the dawning of the fourth era, much of the fort remains in horrible condition and entire sections of the fort have been abandoned to the elements and criminals. The Middle Elves tend to use the region as a sort of burial grounds, with many ancestors having their own graves dug for them underneath the peaks. The largest mass burial ground is known as Ascint Halls and is closely guarded from looters and necromancers by the Grave Guard. The Tomb of Barrow is also in the corner of the region, home to the resting place of the famous elven warrior. A large collection of necromancers have a base of operations somewhere within the mountains, which is known as Carrobridge.    

The Grazelands

A green and flat region consiting of bountiful fields for the Elve's griffens to rest and eat upon, as well as livestock.

The Daruni

The Daruni are the descendants of the survivors of the Battle of the Seven Tougnes. They still harbor deep rebellion and hatred for the High elves, and in turn, the Ryo-Aulluin. They make up almost forty percent of the total population within the Realm of Goras.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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