During the the Anomaly that happened in Athens in 2925 AD, governmens have set up underground bunkers to provide shelter for whoever survived the global cataclysm. The bunkers expanded downwards, hundreds of floors into the lands of Athens. Each room contains 2 bunk beds (so a total of 4 beds in each room) and a TV that allowed habitant to watch replayable media - randing from CD's and DVD's to movie files such as MP4's. Despite haveing very basic living resources in the rooms, it protected everyone within very well, as it was made out the strongest variation of concrete and the strongest steels ever made back in 2925 AD. Food and other necessities were provided by an older generation of the A.T.I. All toilets and showers were on seperate floors, as well as shared and had a time limit on the usage, as it would have to re-generate the water by collecting and filtering the water from the atmosphere above in the wasteland.