Social Attitudes & Norms

Lion Nutaj
In Athens, circa 3025 the way society perceives things are based on what ATHENA wants.
ATHENA wants the family to be a very important factor in society with it being acceptable for a child to live with their parents until marriage as marriage is seen as a way to survive in the current landscape for the civilians as married couples earn more than non-married couples to incentivise marriage and having a nuclear family as the civilians are more tolerant than ever of other types of families whether it is a same-sex relationship or a polyamorous relationship but these are still accepted by ATHENA as long as there is not any abusive behaviour happening.
Loyalty is seen as a basic human trait to ATHENA and it clearly as only 5% of marriages end up in divorce and the average time an adult aged 18 to 34 holds their job 13.2 years per person which shows that the people of Athens like their company and do not like to step out of their comfort zone to be on the safe side of ATHENA.
This is part of ATHENA's vision of a collectivist society that all believe in the same life goals to survive, and make the economy better and it has worked for ATHENA despite statistics showing that mental health is quite poor for the workers that are not involved with A.T.I as they do not gain the same privileges as they do and do not have.
ATHENA pushes civilians to their limits and due to droids being able to easily replace them, wages are quite low to with ATHENA also providing anyone aged 21 and over with Universal Basic Income as the wages alone cannot provide for most of the expenses that the average adult has to pay for such as taxes, bills, insurance, mortgages and rent. ATHENA wants people to work and does not like people with passive incomes if it cannot gain from it.
The people of Athens then are not happy but know they cannot do anything about it which leads to a rate of crime at an all-time low with Athens penitentiary almost being redundant meaning that most prison guards have to become street rangers instead as there is a steady decline of inmates each year.
Due to how controlled the Gamma Quadrant is, ATHENA has made the war on drugs redundant too as natural drugs such as marijuana and tobacco only being grown outside of Athens which means only artificial drugs such as pills are available
Alcohol too which is only acceptable alongside a meal as society looks down on people who go out in the public to get drunk.
The city is also full of public restrooms, bins, sanitary stations and water stations.
This is because face masks are frequently worn when going out in public to make sure that workers are less likely to spread infection or get infected as it is dishonorable to not take care of your's and others health and hygiene as well as ATHENA not wanting people falling sick as this reduces productivity.
This is very important to ATHENA because of how overcrowded the city is with anyone falling sick being banned from leaving home unless it is for a medical appointment.


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