
a charlatan is a cunning and deceptive individual who uses trickery, manipulation, and charm to exploit others for personal gain. They are skilled in the art of deception and can be found in various roles, from con artists and swindlers to false prophets and performers. Their activities typically include: Master of Disguise and Deception: A charlatan excels in adopting false identities, using disguises, forged documents, or crafted personas to gain trust and access. They can pretend to be anyone—a noble, a merchant, a healer, or even a holy person—depending on the situation and the con they are running.   Con Artist and Swindler: Charlatans are experts in running scams, such as selling fake potions, relics, or artifacts. They might promise miraculous cures, tell fortunes, or offer investments in non-existent ventures, all to trick their victims into parting with their money or valuables.   Manipulator and Persuader: With a silver tongue and a knack for persuasion, a charlatan can manipulate others to achieve their goals. They use flattery, lies, and psychological tricks to influence people, whether it's convincing a guard to let them pass, swaying public opinion, or leading someone into a trap.   Performer and Entertainer: Many charlatans are skilled performers, using their talents in acting, storytelling, or sleight of hand to entertain and distract. They might use these skills to draw a crowd, create diversions, or gain the trust of those they intend to deceive.   Schemer and Opportunist: Always looking for the next opportunity, a charlatan is quick to adapt to changing circumstances. They are resourceful and often have a backup plan for when things go awry, using their wit and guile to escape danger or turn a situation to their advantage.   False Prophet or Miracle Worker: Some charlatans pose as religious figures or healers, claiming to have divine powers or secret knowledge. They use these false claims to gain followers, extort money, or manipulate people for their own ends.   Escaping Consequences: A charlatan is skilled at avoiding the fallout of their schemes. They might have secret hideouts, escape routes, or allies who can help them vanish when things get too dangerous. Their quick thinking and adaptability make them difficult to catch.   Collecting Secrets and Information: In their dealings, charlatans often gather valuable information and secrets, which they can use for blackmail, trade, or to further their schemes. This knowledge can make them powerful figures in the shadowy underworld of intrigue and deceit.
False Identity   You have more than one identity. The one you wear most ofthe time makesyou appear to bea memberofa guild other than House Dimir. You have documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona and fit into the secondary gwld. Whenever you choose, you can drop this identity and blend into the guildless masses of the city. Consider why you're embedded in the secondary guild.
Charlatan Get   Deception and Sleigh of hand Skills Disguise Kit and Forgery Kit Tool proficiency
  • A set of fine clothes
  • a disguise kit
  • tools of the con of your choice (ten stoppered bottles filled with colored liquid, a set of weighted dice, a deck of marked cards, or a signet ring of an imaginary duke)
  • a belt pouch containing 15 gp


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