Cloistered Scholar

Cloistered Scholars are individuals dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of various disciplines within the quiet confines of libraries, monasteries, or magical academies. They are often part of religious orders, academic institutions, or secretive organizations that value learning above all else. Their role extends beyond mere study; they serve as keepers of ancient lore, advisors, and researchers who can unlock secrets of the past or uncover new realms of understanding. Their duties and activities include: Preservers of Knowledge: Cloistered Scholars are tasked with the preservation and transcription of ancient texts, scrolls, and tomes. They safeguard knowledge that might otherwise be lost to time, including histories, magical rituals, theological treatises, and scientific discoveries. Their libraries are often considered treasure troves of information.   Researchers and Academics: They engage in rigorous study and research, delving into various fields such as history, magic, alchemy, theology, astronomy, or natural sciences. They might spend years trying to decipher a single ancient manuscript, develop new spells, or unravel the mysteries of the universe.   Advisors and Sages: Cloistered Scholars often serve as advisors to rulers, nobles, or adventurers, offering their wisdom and expertise on matters ranging from governance and diplomacy to arcane phenomena. Their deep understanding of lore and magic can make them valuable allies in times of crisis.   Teachers and Mentors: Many scholars take on the role of educators, passing on their knowledge to the next generation of students, acolytes, or apprentices. They might lead classes in a magical academy, mentor a promising student in a monastery, or guide adventurers seeking to understand ancient runes or prophecies.   Seekers of Hidden Lore: While they primarily reside in the safety of their cloisters or libraries, some scholars are driven by a thirst for knowledge that takes them into the wider world. They might embark on expeditions to uncover forgotten ruins, recover lost artifacts, or explore distant lands in search of rare texts and relics.   Practitioners of Magic: Many Cloistered Scholars are also skilled spellcasters, particularly in fields like divination, abjuration, or necromancy. Their understanding of magical theory allows them to cast complex spells, create magical items, or ward their sanctuaries with protective enchantments.   Custodians of Secrets: Some scholars are entrusted with guarding dangerous or forbidden knowledge, such as the rituals of dark magic, the secrets of powerful artifacts, or prophecies that could alter the course of history. They take their role seriously, ensuring that such information does not fall into the wrong hands.   Record Keepers: In addition to preserving ancient knowledge, Cloistered Scholars often maintain meticulous records of current events, genealogies, and significant occurrences. They document the rise and fall of kingdoms, the exploits of heroes, and the outcomes of great battles, serving as historians for their world.
Library Access     Though others must often endure extensive interviews and significant fees to gain access to even the most common archives in your library, you have free and easy access to the majority of the library, though it might also have repositories of lore that are too valuable, magical, or secret to permit anyone immediate access.     You have a working knowledge of your cloister's personnel and bureaucracy, and you know how to navigate those connections with some ease. Additionally, you are likely to gain preferential treatment at other libraries across the Realms, as profes- sional courtesy shown to a fellow scholar.
Cloistered Scholars Get   History skill one skill amongst
  1. Arcana
  2. Religion
  3. Nature
  4. Religion
Two extra languages
  • The scholar's robes of your cloister
  • a writing kit (small pouch with a quill, ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife)
  • a borrowed book on the subject of your current study
  • a pouch containing 10 gp


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