Faction agent

Faction Agents are individuals who serve as the eyes, ears, and hands of a powerful organization, guild, or secret society. They operate on behalf of their faction to further its interests, whether through diplomacy, espionage, or direct action. These agents are highly resourceful and possess a deep loyalty to their faction, using their skills and connections to influence events, gather intelligence, and advance their organization's goals. Their duties and activities include: Information Gatherers: Faction Agents are skilled at collecting valuable information for their faction. This can include gathering intelligence on rival groups, uncovering political plots, or acquiring trade secrets. They use methods ranging from espionage and infiltration to networking and negotiation to obtain crucial data.   Diplomats and Negotiators: Many agents act as diplomats or emissaries for their faction, representing its interests in negotiations, alliances, and treaties. They are adept at diplomacy and can navigate complex social and political landscapes to secure favorable outcomes, whether that means forging alliances or neutralizing potential threats.   Operatives and Saboteurs: Some Faction Agents are trained for more direct or covert operations. They might engage in sabotage, theft, or even assassination to disrupt the plans of rival factions or protect their own. These tasks require stealth, combat skills, and the ability to disappear without a trace.   Influencers and Manipulators: Faction Agents often work to sway public opinion, manipulate key figures, or infiltrate influential circles to subtly guide events in their faction’s favor. They might use propaganda, bribery, blackmail, or charisma to achieve their objectives, altering the course of politics, commerce, or social movements.   Liaisons and Coordinators: They often serve as liaisons between different branches or cells of their faction, ensuring communication and coordination among operatives. They might also work with other allied factions, acting as a bridge to facilitate cooperation and joint ventures.   Resource Acquisition and Management: Agents are sometimes responsible for securing resources for their faction, whether it's recruiting new members, acquiring magical artifacts, or securing funding. They might manage safe houses, supply lines, or secret caches of equipment and information.   Enforcers and Protectors: When necessary, Faction Agents act as enforcers, ensuring loyalty and discipline within the faction. They might deal with internal threats, such as traitors or dissenters, and protect key assets or leaders from external dangers.   Problem Solvers: They are often called upon to solve problems that threaten their faction’s interests, whether it’s quelling a rebellion, dealing with a rogue member, or handling a diplomatic crisis. Their ability to think on their feet and adapt to changing situations makes them invaluable.
Safe Haven     As a faction agent, you have access to a secret network of supporters and operatives who can provide assis- tance on your adventures. You know a set of secret signs and passwords you can use to identify such operatives, who can provide you with access to a hidden safe house, free room and board, or assistance in finding informa- tion. These agents never risk their lives for you or risk revealing their true identities.
Faction Agents get   Insight skill   one skill amongst
  1. Animal Handling
  2. Medicine
  3. Perception
  4. Survival
  5. Arcana
  6. History
  7. Investigation
  8. Nature
  9. Religion
  10. Deception
  11. Intimidation
  12. Performance
  13. Persuasion
Two etra languages
  • Badge or emblem of your faction
  • a copy of a seminal faction text (or a code-book for a covert faction)
  • a set of common clothes
  • a pouch containing 15 gp


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