Knight of an order

Knights of Orders are elite warriors bound by a strict code of honor, loyalty, and duty. They serve as members of a prestigious knightly order, which could be dedicated to a kingdom, deity, or a noble cause. These knights are not only skilled combatants but also paragons of their order’s values, acting as protectors, champions, and leaders. Their roles and activities include: Sworn Protectors: Knights of Orders are dedicated to protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Whether they defend a specific kingdom, a sacred site, or the common people, they take their role as guardians seriously. This protection might extend to defending against external threats like invaders and monsters, as well as internal corruption.   Upholders of a Code of Honor: Each order has a specific code of conduct that its knights must follow. This code often emphasizes virtues like bravery, justice, loyalty, and compassion. Knights are expected to embody these ideals in all aspects of their lives, and breaking the code can lead to dishonor or expulsion from the order.   Champions of a Cause: Knights of Orders are often dedicated to a particular cause, whether it’s the defense of a kingdom, the worship of a deity, or the pursuit of justice. They may be on a divine mission, a crusade to vanquish evil, or a quest to protect and preserve something sacred. Their actions are guided by their order’s overarching goals and principles.   Skilled Combatants and Tacticians: Trained in the art of war, Knights of Orders are formidable fighters. They are skilled in the use of weapons, mounted combat, and battlefield tactics. Many orders train their knights in a specific style of fighting or teach them special combat techniques that make them exceptional in battle.   Leaders and Mentors: Within their orders, knights often take on leadership roles. They may command troops, lead missions, or act as mentors to squires and new recruits. Their experience and wisdom make them natural leaders, both on and off the battlefield.   Defenders of Faith or Ideals: Some orders are closely tied to a religious faith or a set of ideals. Knights may serve as holy warriors, paladins of a deity, or defenders of a sacred principle. Their dedication to these beliefs often grants them divine abilities or blessings, which they use in their quest to uphold their order’s tenets.   Mediators and Diplomats: While primarily warriors, Knights of Orders can also act as diplomats or mediators. They might be called upon to settle disputes, negotiate treaties, or represent their order or liege in political matters. Their reputation for honor and integrity can make them trusted arbitrators in times of conflict.   Quest Seekers: Many knightly orders have a tradition of sending their members on quests to prove their valor, gain glory, or fulfill a divine mandate. These quests can be personal or part of a larger mission, such as retrieving a holy relic, slaying a great evil, or rescuing those in peril.   Bearers of Tradition and History: Knights of Orders often uphold ancient traditions and are guardians of their order’s history and lore. They may carry ceremonial weapons, wear distinctive armor, and perform rituals that have been passed down through generations. This connection to the past gives them a sense of identity and purpose.
Knightly Regard     You receive shelter and succor from members of your knightly order and those who are sympathetic to its aims. Ifyour order is a religious one, you can gain aid from temples and other religious communities of your deity. Knights of civic orders can get help from the com- munity- whether a lone settlement or a great nation- that they serve, and knights of philosophical orders can find help from those they have aided in pursuit of their ideals, and those who share those ideals. This help comes in the form of shelter and meals, and healing when appropriate, as well as occasionally risky assistance, such as a band of local citizens rallying to aid a sorely pressed knight in a fight, or those who sup- port the order helping to smuggle a knight out of town when he or she is being hunted unjustly.
Knights of orders get     Persuasion skill one skill amongst
  1. Arcana
  2. History
  3. Nature
  4. Religion
One type of gaming set or musical instrument tool proficiency One Extra language
  • One set of traveler's clothes
  • a signet banner or seal representing your place or rank in the order
  • a pouch containing 10 gp


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