Mercenary Veteran

Mercenary Veterans are battle-hardened warriors who have spent years or even decades fighting for gold, glory, or simply survival. Unlike knights bound by codes of honor or soldiers sworn to a particular realm, mercenary veterans fight for those who can pay them, bringing their extensive combat experience and tactical knowledge to any conflict. They are pragmatic and adaptable, having seen the horrors of war and the fickleness of loyalty. Their roles and activities include:   Experienced Combatants: Mercenary Veterans are seasoned warriors who have survived countless battles, skirmishes, and sieges. They are skilled in various forms of combat, from wielding swords and axes to using bows or polearms. Their experience on the battlefield makes them adaptable fighters who can handle themselves in almost any situation.   Tactical Experts: With years of fighting in diverse conditions, Mercenary Veterans have learned the art of war through hard-earned experience. They know how to read a battlefield, anticipate enemy movements, and devise strategies on the fly. This tactical acumen can make them valuable leaders in smaller skirmishes or advisors in larger conflicts.   Survivors of War: These veterans have seen the brutal realities of war up close, and their survival is a testament to their skill, cunning, and toughness. They are often pragmatic, knowing when to stand and fight and when to retreat. Their survival instincts make them cautious, but also deeply aware of their surroundings and potential threats.   Unbound by Oaths: Unlike knights or soldiers, Mercenary Veterans are not bound by oaths of fealty or codes of honor. They fight for coin and can switch sides or withdraw from a conflict if the terms are not in their favor. This independence allows them to take jobs that align with their personal interests or moral compass, though it can also make them appear untrustworthy to some.   Loyal to Coin and Contract: While they may not be bound by noble ideals, Mercenary Veterans often have a strong sense of professional loyalty to their contracts. They pride themselves on being reliable for the duration of their employment. Breaking a contract is bad for business, and a veteran's reputation for reliability can be just as important as their skill in combat.   Navigators of the Underworld: In addition to their battlefield experience, many Mercenary Veterans are familiar with the underworld of mercenary bands, thieves' guilds, and smugglers. They know how to find work, negotiate contracts, and deal with the unsavory aspects of their profession, from dealing with double-crossing employers to managing rival mercenary groups.   Trainers and Mentors: Some veterans take on the role of training new recruits, passing on their knowledge and combat skills to the next generation of fighters. They might also serve as mentors to less experienced members of their party, offering guidance on how to survive in the dangerous and unpredictable world of adventuring.   Guardians for Hire: Outside of battlefields, Mercenary Veterans often find work as bodyguards, caravan escorts, or enforcers. Their reputation and combat prowess make them desirable hires for those who need protection from bandits, assassins, or other threats.   Haunted by the Past: Many Mercenary Veterans carry the psychological scars of their past battles. They may struggle with the morality of their actions, the loss of comrades, or the impact of their mercenary work on the innocent. This gives them a depth of character and a complex relationship with concepts like honor and loyalty.
Mercenary Life     You know the mercenary life as only someone who has experienced it can. You are able to identify mercenary companies by their emblems, and you know a little about any such company, including the names and reputations of its commanders and leaders, and who has hired them recently. You can find the taverns and festhalls where mercenaries abide in any area, as long as you speak the language. You can find mercenary work between adven- tures sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle (see "Practicing a Profession" under "Downtime Activities" in chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook).
Mercenary veterans get     Athletics and Persuasion skills One type of gaming set tool proficiency Land vehicles proficiency
  • A uniform of your company (traveler's clothes in quality)
  • an insignia of your rank
  • a gaming set of your choice
  • a pouch containing the remainder of your last wages (10 gp)


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