Morvaina, the Hag Mother

Domain: Dark Magic, Trickery, Matron of Hags   Description: Morvaina, the Hag Mother, is a mysterious and enigmatic deity, revered as the matron of hags and the mistress of dark magic and trickery.   Attributes and Aspects:   Cauldron of Power: Morvaina is often depicted with a mystical cauldron surrounded by dark symbols, symbolizing her mastery of arcane arts.   Myths and Legends:   The Veil of Shadows: Morvaina wove the first veil of shadows, granting hags the ability to manipulate illusions and traverse unseen.   Symbol: A cauldron surrounded by mystical symbols, representing Morvaina's mastery of dark enchantments.   Personality: Cunning, mysterious, and unpredictable, Morvaina weaves illusions and manipulates perception with unparalleled skill.   Cultural Practices: Dark magic initiation rites, where followers seek forbidden knowledge and power.   Rituals and Celebrations: Night of Shadows, a ritualistic gathering where hags commune and engage in dark magical practices.


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