
Nobles are individuals of high birth who belong to the upper echelons of society. They are often born into wealth, privilege, and influence, wielding power through land ownership, titles, and political connections. Nobles are expected to uphold the honor of their family name and manage the responsibilities that come with their status, whether that involves ruling a fief, participating in court politics, or leading military forces. Their roles and activities include: Rulers and Administrators: Many Nobles oversee lands, towns, or regions granted to them by a monarch or inherited from their family. They are responsible for maintaining order, collecting taxes, and managing the welfare of the people under their rule. This role requires them to be both leaders and diplomats, balancing the needs of their subjects with the demands of the crown.   Politicians and Power Brokers: Nobles are key players in the political landscape, often involved in court intrigue, alliances, and rivalries. They may have a seat in the king’s council, hold a position of influence in a royal court, or act as a power broker in their region. Navigating the complex web of noble politics requires wit, charm, and a keen understanding of power dynamics.   Patrons of the Arts and Culture: Nobles are often patrons of the arts, sponsoring artists, musicians, and scholars. They host grand balls, tournaments, and cultural events to display their wealth and sophistication, as well as to curry favor with peers and allies. This patronage helps promote culture and learning but also serves as a means of showcasing their status.   Military Leaders and Knights: Many Nobles are trained in martial skills from a young age, preparing them for roles as military leaders or knights. They may lead their own retainers or command larger forces in times of war. Their status grants them the authority to raise and command armies, defend their lands, and uphold the honor of their house in battle.   Guardians of Family Legacy: Nobles are often deeply concerned with the legacy of their family. They strive to uphold and enhance the reputation of their house, whether through acts of valor, wise governance, or strategic marriages. Preserving the family name and passing on a strong legacy to the next generation is a core aspect of their identity.   Diplomats and Ambassadors: Nobles frequently serve as diplomats or ambassadors for their kingdom or region. They negotiate treaties, form alliances, and represent their ruler in foreign courts. Their upbringing equips them with the skills of diplomacy, etiquette, and negotiation, making them effective intermediaries in matters of state.   Wealth and Resources: With their noble status comes access to wealth and resources. Nobles have the means to fund expeditions, build castles, hire mercenaries, and commission magical items. This financial power allows them to exert influence and pursue their interests, but also makes them targets for those seeking wealth or power.   Burdens of Responsibility: While nobles enjoy many privileges, they are also burdened with great responsibility. They must manage their lands, protect their subjects, and maintain their family's honor. Failing in these duties can lead to loss of status, wealth, or even their title, making the stakes of their decisions particularly high.   Navigating Expectations and Alliances: Nobles must navigate the expectations of their peers, subjects, and superiors. They are often involved in arranging or partaking in strategic marriages, managing alliances, and dealing with the rivalries that come with noble life. The alliances they form can have significant political and social implications.


Career Progression

The noble rank progression goes as follows   Lord/Lady   Baron/Baroness   Earl, Jarl   Count/Countess   Duke/Duchess   Marquis/Marquess   Prince/Princess   King/Queen   Empror/Empress
Position of Privilege     Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.
Nobles get       History and Persuasion skills   one type of gaming set tool proficiency   One extra language
  • A set of fine clothes
  • a signet ring
  • a scroll of pedigree
  • a purse containing 25 gp


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