The order of the Silver ones

The Order of the Silver Ones The Order of the Silver Ones is a small but highly respected organization connected to the Church of Selene, the moon goddess revered by many across Ulden. The order exists with a singular purpose: to safeguard the power of the moon from those who seek to pervert it for evil ends. Their enemies include creatures such as certain lycanthropes, vampires, and other beings who draw their strength from the moon in ways that violate its sanctity. The order is composed of highly skilled warriors, spellcasters, and hunters, trained in both martial and mystical arts to combat these threats with precision and unwavering resolve.   Recruitment and Training Masters of the Silver Ones often recruit orphans or unwanted children, seeing in them the potential to become protectors of the moon. These children, known as Apprentices of the Moon, are raised within the order, receiving rigorous training in combat, alchemy, and the sacred lore of Selene. Their families, whether biological or foster, are blessed by the goddess and gifted a silver heirloom bearing the coat of arms of the apprentice's master. These heirlooms are not only valuable in their craftsmanship but also bear the sacred blessing of Selene, making them priceless to devout followers. While some families cherish these items as holy relics, others sell them for considerable sums, as their unique nature makes them coveted treasures.   The path of an apprentice is fraught with peril. Only those who survive the grueling Trials of the Moon may advance. These trials test not only the apprentice’s physical and mental endurance but also their faith in Selene. Successful apprentices are elevated to the rank of Journeyman Silver and are taken to the Sacred Circle of Cycles, a moonlit grove hidden deep within the wilds. There, they undergo the Ceremony of Cycles, where they drink the Elixir of the Moon. This potion serves as both an oath and a sacrifice: by drinking it, the journeyman pledges their eternal service to Selene, and the potion alters them in such a way that they can never bear children. This act symbolizes the complete devotion of the individual to the moon's will, forsaking any chance of leaving behind a legacy beyond their duty.   The Masters of the Silver Ones Upon taking their oath, the journeyman is recognized as a Master Silver. They are given a silver ring adorned with a moonstone, called the Ring of the Crescent. This ring is more than a symbol of rank; it is imbued with the power to detect moon-touched creatures such as lycanthropes, vampires, and other moon-corrupted entities. It is said that when in the presence of such beings, the moonstone glows faintly, alerting the wearer to potential threats.   A Master Silver is free to work alone or assemble a team of allies to assist them in their hunts. However, their companions do not need to be members of the order, though they must be individuals the Master trusts. If a Master takes on an apprentice, however, they must not work alongside any non-silver individuals, for fear that the apprentice could be corrupted by outside influences during their vulnerable training period. The bond between master and apprentice is sacred, with the master serving as both protector and teacher until the apprentice is ready to undertake the trials.   The Grandmaster of the Moon The head of the Order of the Silver Ones is known as the Grandmaster of the Moon, a title held by the eldest Master Silver alive. Currently, this title is held by Gonnir “Silver Gaze”, a half-elf druid of remarkable age and power. At nearly a millennium old, Gonnir is far older than any known half-elf, and even older than many pure-blooded elves. His long life is believed to be the result of divine intervention. According to legend, Selene herself appeared at Gonnir’s birth, blessing him with her favor and entrusting him with the eternal protection of her will. This blessing is believed to be the source of his extended lifespan, and for centuries, Gonnir has served as the guiding hand of the order.   Gonnir's piercing silver eyes are said to see through darkness, lies, and illusions, earning him the name "Silver Gaze." Though his age is great, Gonnir remains an active leader, continuing to train new Masters and guiding the order with a steady hand. Many of the oldest Masters within the order were once apprentices under his tutelage, and they carry his teachings and wisdom forward. His connection to Selene is profound, and some even whisper that he has spoken with the goddess directly on more than one occasion, receiving guidance in matters that concern the balance of the moon’s power.   The Legacy of the Silver Ones The Order of the Silver Ones is both feared and revered, their members moving in shadow and moonlight to strike down those who would abuse the moon’s gifts. They are bound by an unwavering sense of duty, sacrificing family and personal legacy in service of Selene’s will. Though small in number, the Order of the Silver Ones has made a significant impact on Ulden and beyond, their influence extending far across the land. The silver heirlooms given to families of apprentices have become valuable keepsakes, and the rings of the Crescent are recognized as marks of authority and power in both magical and mundane circles.   In the hearts of those faithful to the moon, the Silver Ones are saviors, protectors of balance. To their enemies, they are relentless hunters, unstoppable forces of justice who will not rest until the moon’s light shines freely, untainted by darkness.


Secret, Brotherhood
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Silvers, Moon Guardians, Guided ones, Silver Ones
Government System
Notable Members


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