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Adrianna Wildheart

Adrianna Wildheart

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adrianna was born the eldest daughter of a wealthy merchant family and lived a comfortable childhood. Her family, although wealthy, had no noble blood themselves and were never quite accepted by society's elite. While money could buy many things in life, such as an in-depth education for the family's children, it could not buy respect, and there was always an undercurrent of discontent within her household.   Her father, tired of being treated like a second class citizen, decided that the only way to improve his status was through marriage to nobility. On Adrianna's eleventh birthday, her father arranged for a union between her and the Baron Marty Angus Diesel III. Her dowry would include erasing the baron's gambling debts.   The baron proved himself to be an dreadful man, and Adrianna longed for more. Clearly money could not buy happiness, her family was a prime example of that. On the eve before her wedding, Adrianna fled, taking nothing but the clothes on her back. On the run, starving and weak, a passing ruffian took pity on her and brought her to his thieves' guild.   She flourished under their guidance, spending many years studying the arts of stealth and debauchery. Her resilient streak could not be contained for long, however, and after a slight to the guild's leader she ended up on the run again, eventually joining a jaunty group of adventurers.


Was once a prominent member of a thieves' guild, now tends to work alone.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her accomplishments include charming the pantaloons off of thine mother.

Failures & Embarrassments

That time she partook of too much ale and bedded the town jester. She wasn't laughing the next morning.

Mental Trauma

She began her time with the thieves' guild practicing pick-pocketing. One time she reached into a pair of trousers to nab a wallet, but found her hand encircling something soft and squishy instead. The owner of the not-wallet was smiling.   Ever since then she's had a rule about never reaching for anything below the belt that she can't see.

Morality & Philosophy

Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who forge them.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is quite the charmer when she wants to be, but is also easily swayed by a pretty face herself.

Likes & Dislikes

Shiny, pretty things.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tells people what they want to hear in order to gain their approval.

Personality Quirks

Dislikes when others dig too deeply into her business, will disengage if she is presented with too many questions.


Has a case of perpetual bedhead.


Family Ties

Has a long lost sister with whom she parted ways with when young.


Refined, intelligent speech, which comes in handy when persuading others.

A stealthy, street-savvy rogue on the run from her hometown thieves' guild. Prefers to shroud herself in mystery, and takes delight in trickery and deceit.

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Chaotic Neutral
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Orc

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