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Kree Tha

Professor Kree Tha (a.k.a. Professor)

Kree-Tha was born into a nomadic tribe of his race, where he learned to hunt, track, and live off the land. Despite his love for nature, the Kree-Tha always felt drawn to magic and the arcane. He spent much of his youth studying and practicing arcane magic, often to the surprise and skepticism rangers of his tribe.   Years went by and Kree-Tha was discovered by a group of wizards from a nearby city, who were impressed by his mastery of magic and offered him a scholarship to study in their Mage of High Sorcery Academy. He accepted the offer, eager to continue his studies and gain knowledge that would be unavailable to him in his tribe.   In the academy, he excelled in his studies and quickly rose to become one of the top students. He was fascinated by the intricacies of magic and the many ways it could be used to extend life. Eventually, he graduated with honors and was offered a professorship at the academy.   For years, he was a respected professor, known for his knowledge and mastery of magic. However, as he grew older and his Thri-kreen lifespan started to wane, he became more and more obsessed with finding a way to extend his life. He poured all of his time and resources into researching magic that could to extend his life.   However, in order to cast such magic, he would need powerful magical components & gold. So, he retired from his position as a professor and set out on a journey to gather the necessary ingredients & strength to cast such a magic.   To maintain his benfit to the "Mage of High Sorcery" academy, during his adventuring. The professor still provides academic work via grading pupils work, on his free time   And so, Kree-Tha continues his journey, seeking adventure and gathering knowledge as he strives to extend his life through magic. Though he has retired from his life as a professor, he still uses his vast knowledge of magic to help those in need, hoping to make a difference in the world before his time is up.

Mental characteristics


Initiate of High Sorcery


Mage of High Sorcery Your talent for magic came to the attention of the Mages of High Sorcery, an organization of spellcasters that studies magic and prevents its misuse. You’ve trained among the Mages, but whether you’ll face the dangerous test required to become a full member of the group remains to be determined. Your passion for studying magic has likely already predisposed you toward one of the organization’s three orders

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Personality Traits Education Is Paramount, We Must Learn To Achieve Or Ultimate Goals. Ideals I still have much learn and to live for. Bonds Books, Books, Book, I Keep Them Close Even When They Are Far Away! Flaws Afraid Of Losting Time.


Contacts & Relations

Amber Island is made up of five islands: Red Amber, Orange Amber, Yellow Amber, Brown Amber, Glass Amber. It is thought of a Paradise Island collection, with the population mostly of Tortle, Triton, Locathah, Water Genasi, Air Genasi and Sea Elves to Sea Half-Elf.

Kree-Tha was born into a nomadic tribe of his race, where he learned to hunt, track, and live off the land. Despite his love for nature, the Kree-Tha always felt drawn to magic and the arcane.

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Amber Island
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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