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Bucky Jaune Browin

Sharp shot of the west Bucky Jaune Browin (a.k.a. Bucky)

A wanderer a young man looking to find meaning to his past haunted by it. Bucky set out from his small town on a journey to find his missing grandfather and avenge his hometown and deceased childhood friend (and secret love). He may have his moments but this man will stop at nothing to help thoese in need along his journey.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well toned body from many years of hard labor on the family farm

Body Features

Has a tattoo of his family crest on his upper right arm (two revolvers with roses and vines wraped around them) has a autum leaf with a ribbion tattooed on his chest above his heart saying my "darling emily, my forever fall"

Facial Features

Rugged good looks, young face with small scars and knicks here and there.

Identifying Characteristics

Spurs that jingle jangle jingle

Physical quirks

Twitchy trigger finger at times has been know to blsck out and kick in his sleep from time to time

Special abilities

Elemental magic of fire channels it into the cylinder of his gun and lets loose litteral hellfire

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From a young age bucky was somewhat of abnormal he grew up with 12 older siblings 6 older brothers and 6 older sisters he was the youngest of all of them. His role model was his grandfather. A great ginslinger and ginsmith who taught buckys father everything he knew and was one like his father before him all hard working men. His grandfather roamed the country side banjo in hand and his beloved basset hound by his side. he would would tell buck and his childhood friend emily daring amd adventurious tales of his exploits. Bucky wanted to be like his grandfather someday seeking glory and a name for himself, his father on the other hand never wanted to see bucky gointo the family business he wanted him to have a quiet peaceful life. His mother was a kind and nurturing women sadly she had fallen ill in bucky teenage years and has been mysteriously in a state of suspension since sleeping in her bed. Buckys siblings had all had training in combat and proper firearm technique bucky on the other hand had tought himself being a suprising born natural stole his grandfathers prised heirloom revolver from his fathers safe and since kept it on his side. He would sign up for contest in the town to show off his natural talent doing trick shots and competitions gaining him the title of "the sharpshot of the west". As he grew older bucky and emily had started to do minor adventuring in secret they would explore the depths of the mines run by the local dwarves who shared his home town would seek bountys at the local tavern and hunt down dangerous beast in the nearby forrest. But one night when bucky and emily had been comming back from a routine walk in the forrest they say their home town up in flames. A group of bandits had invaded the quiet town and pillaged and burned it to ash. Bucky with the help of his grandfather amd emily had helped evacuate the village safely until bucky and emily were traped in a burning building the bandits grabed emily and held her hostage making her watch as they beat bucky within a inch of his life. Barely conscious they forced bucky to watch as the killed emily right infront of him,A knife into her back. Bucky had roared out in anguish and hatred as he had blacked out the last thing he remembered was his revolver in his had and the smell of brimstone burning in his nostrils. When he came to he found himself cradeling the body of emily in his arms as chared corpses lied horrified around them. He vowed revenge on the group who had did this. Days, weeks, months went by he hunted them showing them no remosre no mercy for the horrendious crime they committed. Deep down bucky had been seething with rage a fire roaring within as he would never get to tell emily how he truely felt. They each had loved eachother but were always to scared to sayanything to bucky it was the onething he wished he could tell her. During this rampage bucky had gotten a letter from his family sealed in it was a picture of all of them young happy and smiling alongside this was his grandfathers pocket watch and a note telling him of his grandfathers mysterious disseperance during the night of the attack. To buck this was all another adventure a nother job to be done find his grandfather avenge his loved one and finially findout what truely happend that night.

Gender Identity

Identifies as a stright male


Hasent really done much rolling in the hay could not think of love for a long time after losing emily


Well studied under the guidance of local town schools and tutoring form his oldest brother.


Was a farmhand and performing competive gunslinger for most of his life. Now wandering adventurer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Champion gunslinger of his hometown.

Failures & Embarrassments

Embaressment of getting nicknamed bucky for bucking/ kicking in his sleep as a child failure of haunting memories from the nigh tof the attack feeling helpless as he watched his whole world go up in smoke and his love die infornt of him unarmed and weak he never wants to feel that way again.

Mental Trauma

Trauma from attack will have horrendious flashbakcs and ptsd at times if triggered. Has been suffering insomina from time to time as well as night terrors from this incident. Also has had a "black out" period of his life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Expert gunsmith like his father and grandfather before him.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in a code of justice.


is the only white haired and amber eyed person in his family

Personality Characteristics


Wandering the world in order to find his grandfather who mysteriously dissepeared after a horrendious attaco on his home town. Travels as well to find and avenge his late childhood friend and secret love vows to hunt the remaing ones down to any plane of existance if need be.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Firearm savy knows his way around a rope or two

Likes & Dislikes

Likes cool summer nights,fire, roses, crisp fall days and warm summer days, wilderness and traveling. Dislikes: thieves, dishonerable people, injustice, being helpless, having to struggle with his past.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a slight case of ptsd from trauma during his life. Will immediatly draw any weapon on him at lightining speed to attack if provoked. Will kill or beat anyone who takes his family heirloom revolver from his side its not a threat its a promise. Has to struggle with the loss of childhood friend and loved one.

Personality Quirks

Will blindly rage if provoked to much from trauma in his past. Still undetermined why or how. Has been known to kick or "buck" in his sleep as a youngin


Clothes may be a bit dirty but this man always does his best to be clean dress right and keep a clean shave


Contacts & Relations

Not many folks he keeps in touch with Has his 6 older sisters and 6 older brothers all back in his home town his father and mother as well. Bucky also has a vendetta against the guild know as the highwaymen they were the one who killed emily and burned his town to the ground.

Family Ties

Buckys family still resides in his home town after the attack the helped to rebuild with the dwarves what remained. Bucky has 6 older brothers and 6 older sisters Cabot- his oldest brother is the one who inhereted the family business of gunsmithing from birth he was a natural inventor always seeking to create new things. Now and days he works constantly on building mechanized and clockwork like constructs to help the city be rebuilt or handle jobs do dangerous for the living.

Religious Views

Believes that theres is always a reason and a balance in things. Believes in reincarnation for thoese deemed good but for thoese with unholy revenge they are doomed to walk the earth a revenant untill they have found peace

Social Aptitude

Quite the southern gentelman and a bit of a hot head will mostly find this cowboy spurs up resting by a fire place at a inn or tinkering with his trusty sidearm .


Always a gentelman and a hard worker. See to it that if theres a job at hand it must be done and isent afraid of getting his hands dirty to do so

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies include: trick shots, sleeping , animal taming, wrestling, tinkering with firearms and remenising.


A calm but souther drawn accent ( easiest way to describe it is just the voice of mcree)

Wealth & Financial state

Though his family is a modest gunsmithing and farming bunch bucky himself doesent have much coin to his name.

Wandering ,cowboy, southern hospatiality

View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Was known as the sharpshot of the west in his home town for his seeming supernatural gunsling abilities
Current Residence
Anywhere the wandering roads take him
Bright Amber
A dusty greyish white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair (caucasian)
Quotes & Catchphrases
Well when theres nothing else to be done id say bucket (insteed of f**k it )
Known Languages
Knows common and dwarvish

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Emilys final words a letter to bucky

Dear, Jaune, please don't cry for me I know you never meant for this to happen. I hope you read this when you feel you miss me I love you completely, just remember that If I should leave you now Then in my final hour I pray this letter finds you well Before it all goes to hell. They could never cage the world It's too big for anyone to hide from you and soon the dark will pass. I want so much to be with you But in my heart I know, jaune The world needs you now I will always be your forever fall. All this time i had to hide my feelings for you, scared you dident feel the same but when we went into the woods and did our adventures together I knew deep down you felt the same for me. I love you jaune light Browin, now and forever I will be with you With love, your best friend, Emily Autum