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Clipse Calamis

Clipse Calamis

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Toned with broad shoulders and a curved sturdy build

Facial Features

Usagi-esque bangs, pink lipstick, eyeliner

Physical quirks

Clipse tends to stand out among other female performers due to her size

Apparel & Accessories

Her arcane focus, the Mirrorfly, that was gifted to her by Verenestra

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clipse is the child of a drow slave master and her human slave. When the mother was told she could not keep the child, she ran away to surface to have her. Clipse was born male but definitely did not align with what she was born as. But, being as drow culture is so strictly gendered, her mother did not accept her. “Lolth gave WOMEN the right to rule, NOT YOU!!!” Finally, Clipse ran away and found comfort in the court of Verenestra, the fey of charms and feminine beauty. She became a warlock under Verenestra’s command and began her life as an entertainer on the road.   Her act went well… but not well enough to pay for a room at an inn every night. And the nights were getting cold. Clipse was down and out of luck among the Overworld and pushed to put on performances in the Upperdark. Then, her luck picked up when she met another drow down on his luck; Strabe Th’mander. It was a funny meeting… well, if it wasn’t for his offensive advances on her, claiming that he knew her and all. But, as his grasp trembled and his voice shook, Clipse immediately realized why; in the corner of the tavern, there were two heavily armed orgos staring right at their target in her arms.   He was a runaway… just like her.   She was interested in playing this little game, but as she did, she saw there was something even more she could get out of this; around his neck, a peck of rubble that appeared to have crumbled from another giant stone, and yet alone it emanated unbelievable power. Paired with the madness in his eyes, there was no mistake about it; this drow was a warlock.   Another warlock. Now THIS would be more than just a show. This… would be an adventure.   Clipse and Strabe eventually managed to escape the Underdark, but when they surfaced they had to split ways. Clipse was going to dazzle the world with performances in the name of her patron… and Strabe was going to study to the ends of the Forgotten Realms for his. It was fun while it lasted, but they had to say their goodbyes. But Clipse would never forget her first good friend.   A while later, they crossed paths again as Clipse was networking with bards in (TOWN NEEDS TO BE ADDED). Though Clipse was taking a mini break from the adventuring life, Saviche still invited her to act out his more narrative ballads. And so, for a little while, Clipse got to reunite with her old friend again, her worn by the world but stronger, him blinded but erudite, and both of them happy.

Morality & Philosophy

Clipse swears that she will never grow to be like her mother.

Personality Characteristics


Clipse prioritizes being a performer under Verenestra, but understands that if she were maimed or dead that that would mean her honored teacher would lose one of already so few pupils. So if shit gets real, she will prioritize survival and coordination with the party in order to survive.


Contacts & Relations

Important Person: Tevya Calamis (Bad) Why is this person Important to the Character: Tevya is Clipse’s mother and did not accept her daughter as she is. Tevya's treatment of her daughter is what drove her to flee home and find Verenestra. She wants nothing to do with her “bastard son.”   Important Person: Strabe Th’mander (Good) Why is this person Important to the Character: Strabe is also a drow warlock adventurer. He also was a runaway from his family (though he was from the Underdark) and Clipse helped him escape (further explained in the Backstory). Clipse had a crush on him at first but 1. he is a little dumb when it comes to socializing 2. he’s demisexual and more interested in his studies under his patron, Ur, the Great Old One 3. Clipse has a crush on everyone at first, so her flirting with him is old news.   Important Person: Talia Th’mander (Bad) Why is this person Important to the Character: Talia is Strabe’s mother, and she has a grudge against Clipse for helping her son escape alive.   Important Person: Willow (Good) Why is this person Important to the Character: Willow is a wood elf druid who is part of Strabe’s adventuring party, and a huge heartthrob for Clipse. But she hasn’t been able to be forward enough with Willow and therefore never gets any of her attention. Strabe has tried to help her be brave enough to make the first move, but Clipse is too shy when it comes to Willow.   Important Person: Saviche Tailes (Good) Why is this person Important to the Character: Saviche is the leader of Strabe and Willow’s adventuring team. He’s also a bard, which means that - with good reference from Strabe - Saviche has signed Clipse up for many profitable gigs in the past.   Impotant Person: Cerenella (Good) Why is this person Important to the Character: As Verenestra is not always available, Cerenella is a small ladybug fairy that mentored Clipse in the art of performance.

A flitty, ditzy dancer for the court of the Fey, "Calamity Gal" Clipse is always up for the challenge.

View Character Profile
true neutral
trans woman
jewel pink
145 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon

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