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Glenn Trench

Glenn Trench

A human orphan taken in by a Drow

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin but toned body.

Body Features

Spiraling tattoo going up his right arm. starts on his palm as well as the back of his right hand. Tattoo are a mix of different languages and magic ruins. large amount of scaring over his body from former battles

Facial Features

Scruffy looking beard and thin scars spreading out from the eyes

Identifying Characteristics

  • Silver eyes
  • Arm tattoo
  • goggles

Apparel & Accessories

  • cowboy hat
  • goggles to protect his eyes
  • Maroon trench coat to with one sleeve cut off

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abandoned when he was very young, Glenn never knew his birth family. Spending a short time in an orphanage he mas taken in by his adoptive father, Gelerin Xiltyn. Gelerin was a member of the local guards for the Underground city, Onix Barrows, he quit to get something more lucrative and found a love for hunting monsters as a member of the Gloom Keepers. As Glenn got older, Gelerin pulled Glenn from school to make sure he could join him in the hunt, putting Glenn into situations he was never ready for. Seeking more power, Gelerin found a hag in the Underdark and willingly gave himself and a much less willing Glenn, over to her strange magics. After this Gleen remembers waking up in a random tunnel of the Underdark surrounded by dead Monsters and a burning pain in his eyes and right arm with a new tattoo. He eventually found his way to the surface near the Opal Dynasty. Confused and left nearly blind by the sunlight Glenn wandered and took odd jobs realizing his tracking skills help his become a effective bounty hunter. He wandered taking jobs everywhere and eventually he would take a job in a port town that would tie his fate to many others...

Gender Identity



Pansexual, preference to females but very open to all kinds of fun


Had basic education in school up until middle school, after this hi adoptive father pulled him out and started teaching him how to hunt and track. He was able to keep learning by reading while on the road but he is more wise then smart.


Train in both monster tracking and bounty hunting. Glenn also had a short stay as a body guard and and arena fighter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Him and his father took down Umber Hulk
  • Helped bring in a kidnapper in one of his early bounty jobs.
  • survived a fight with a "god"

Failures & Embarrassments

  • almost died in said Umber Hulk fight
  • had many morally questionable bounty's under his belt and some people can cause a scene because of that
  • his introduction to Amethyst...

Mental Trauma

Has almost died way to many times and because of this he has began to throw his own safety out the window and he holds his loyalty to others higher then his loyalty to himself. He also has a burning hate for his adoptive father but will most likely shut down around him because of the "respect" he made Glenn have for him

Intellectual Characteristics

he isn't very book smart but he is very wise, preservative and a very good strategist when it comes to his bounties and hunts

Morality & Philosophy

  • Help people when you can but don't put your neck out so much that you cant survive
  • Do ALL you can for those you know you can trust because they might just be there to save you.
  • if you REALLY need it, try to get it nicely. If you can be nice, their loss.
  • Money is supposed to be spent, Dad was wrong about the "modest life"

Personality Characteristics


Money and loyalty. Also revenge on his father and the hag

Likes & Dislikes

  • a good hunt
  • Drinks
  • a fun partner
  • unneeded complications
  • his father

Vices & Personality flaws

Drinks, and a fun partner. He wont give up a challenging hunt hes taken himself

Personality Quirks

Stays very quiet for the most part, taking in all information he can but when he feels its right for him the speak he will be very honest and blunt or sarcastic


willing to rough it out but will clean up whenever given the chance


Contacts & Relations

may professional in almost ever major city for bounty hunting work
  • Father- Gelerin Xiltyn- Drow- not on good terms
  • Zarzara "Spitfire" Tlintarn- Drow- Former "fun partner" of Glenn from back in his Gloom Keeper days. She looks at Glenn as a lover and was a very nice girl but a bit to obsessive for his liking at the time
  • Hunutar- half orc- former bounty later buddy of Glenn, Hunutar help with quite a few jobs after paying for his own freedom and giving enough evidence to show the person who posted his bounty was in the wrong. later becoming a bounty hunter himself

Family Ties

none to his birth family and is only known living family is his father

Religious Views

Not religious himself but dislikes no one for their views as long as it doesn't affect others

Social Aptitude

Glenn is good at reading people but is awful at actually talking to them

Wealth & Financial state

above average. Lived a modest but comfortable life as a child and is much more willing to spend his money now

A blunt man using the skills "gifted" to him by his father and a hag to just find his way in life. Trained in the tracking and hunting monsters and humanoids alike, he analyzes his approach from the shadows and tries to ends things quickly.

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True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Deep walker- Title was given to Glenn when his father brought him into the Gloom Keepers. This is the title they give new members who has been brought in by a full member. Glenn has never tecnicly been given the title of a full member, a 'Keeper" as of yet.
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
silver with no pupal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White (slightly pale)
5ft 10in
185 lp

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