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Character Name: Keljack     Important Person:    Tor'lana - Dwarven Crafter/Tradeswoman (Good)     Why is this person Important to the Character: Tor'lana was one of the Dwarves who had ventured out and found Keljack's clan when he was a young boy. She took him under her wing as he started becoming fascinated with the various Dwarven Crafts and their quality. She took him on as an apprentice, initially as a blacksmith. Then as Jeweler. Then as a Tailor. And so on and so on until he finally found his way as a Mason. His innate abilities and enthusiasm made him a pleasure to work with, even after multiple failed apprenticeships. Their relationship is strictly a platonic one of the Mentor and Student.        Important Person:    Ergni - Dwarven Caravan (Neutral but despises Keljack)     Why is this person Important to the Character:   Ergni is in love with Tor'lana. Even though the relationship is strictly Mentor/Student, and they are of different species not usually interested in or able to cross breed, Ergni is incredibly jealous of the time Tor'lana and Keljack spend together. They dont even have to be alone for Ergni to feel jealous. He sees Tor'lana as his future bride, even though she has rebuked his numerous advances and attempts to ask her on a date.        Important Person:    Soofya - Keljack's Sister (Good)     Why is this person Important to the Character:   Soofya is Keljack's younger sister. She supported her big brother in all his apprenticeships, even when their parents thought it foolish to try and learn what it took Dwarves hundreds of years to learn. She always believed in him and was the only person he confided in when the "whispers in the woods" began to speak with him. She believes Keljack is meant to bring a new meaning of life among their people, and show that they can go out and become more than what their traditions have led them to believe. Ever since the Dwarves came to their village, she saw the change in Keljack and wanted to see the same spark of imagination, passion, creativity amongst others in the tribe. Her goal is to see their village develop and join the rest of the developed world, and Hope's Keljack's eventual return could be the spark. While he's away, she's been trying to learn more about the magic he could control, studying through late nights, early mornings, and spreading what she would learn to others in her clan. After months of study, she learned to cast her first cantrip - Thaumaturgy. Now she works even harder trying to develop some magic of her own, trading whatever she can for more books whenever the Dwarves come to town.        Important Person:   Glen Trench - Adventurer Ranger(Unknown)     Why is this person Important to the Character:   Glenn is the first adventurer that Keljack met. In fact, aside from the caravan he had hitched a ride with before it was horribly attacked leaving Keljack the lone survivor, Glenn is the only Human Keljack met. Their meeting was a fortuitous one, as it led to Keljack joining up with Glenn's crew, which led him to his first real villain. Keljack saw the value of teamwork and what working together to solve an issue could be like. He rather enjoyed it. He decided to stick with Glenn and crew, which has led to the current party configuration. Glenn seems to have a tough exterior, but a soft spot for his crew. Keljack takes heed of Glenn's advise and council.       Important Person:   Kel & Zarij - Keljack's Parents (Good)     Why is this person Important to the Character:   Kel is Keljack's father. Zarij is his mother. They love both their children and would like for them to grow up as strong viable members of the clan, as they themselves did. The Dwarves coming to their village and opening trade did open a lot of opportunities and new experiences for their people. But in their opinion, that's all they are - a fleeting distraction that will soon fade away, as all wonders do. Until then, the trade is good, and their lives go on. They are concerned for Keljack's safety out in the unknown world. The Dwarf traders tell of harrowing monsters, abominations of various elements, and undead lords with minions that count in the hundreds of thousands. And while these could just be tales of fanciful frights and scary stories meant to entertain, Kel and Zarij can't help but worry about their son in the unknown world past the mountains where their clan has lived for centuries. Soofya, their daughter and Keljack's sister, has taken to holding up in her room and reading tome upon time to learn everything she can about the outside world. Some books seem strange, almost as if humming or pulsing with a light at times. They trust the Dwarves, so there's no fear that they would bring something harmful to their daughter. They enjoy the benefits of this new age of discovery, but often long for the days before the knowledge of a larger world. They eagerly await the return of their son.        Character’s backstory: Keljack grew up in a clan who was isolated from the world for a very long time. In a mountain valley, surrounded by difficult to cross mountain passes. He used to play in the fields along the streams surrounding the village. At around 20 years old, Dwarves made their way to his village. They brought with them finely crafted wares made of metals and stone. He started playing with the dwarves his own age as they came to town as part of their regular trade route. Eventually they took him on as an apprentice. He tried smithing, cooking, mining - none really worked. He was out in the fields when he started hearing whispers on the wind. He went back and started stone work. The whispers guided his hand and he crafted a remarkable piece. He feels tied to nature through stones and Stonework. When he works with stone, he imagines a river cutting through. Eroding layers at a time. As of nature itself is helping him shape the piece. Keljack fancies himself a bit of a perfectionist, as only something worthy of nature, should be worthy of making.      Recently, while cleaning up the Twilight Temple after a hard fought battle and reuniting with his traveling companion Biki, Keljack took a moment to meditate. While doing so, he tapped into his Medium powers and spoke with some of the spirits of the dead which the Temple was preparing for ceremony. One of these spirits was of a great Dwarven craftsmen. He told Keljack the great secret of crafting. One that had been passed down for generations. Burning passion, fiery focus, flames of excellence. Fire was the ultimate tool. Keljack had been learning all the different elements, and how best to use them towards his crafting - water to cut, earth to mold, air to clean, but most important of all, was fire. It tempered, cleansed, sealed, and protected the Dwarf's creations to last for millennia. With this knowledge, Keljack has shifted his focus from that of studying animals in nature, to the various uses and applications of fire in both his art, and his adventures.

New to the world outside his home. A craftsman seeking to increase his skill, find beauty in the world, and increase his attunement with nature. A protector above all else, a craftsman, one with nature, and an adventurer.

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Hazel with Green spots
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Elephant Gray
7 ft 6 in
450 lbs

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