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scylla grace

scylla grace

the hearts and minds of man kind are easily twisted. wishing only for their own fortune even at the expens of others. they use venomious words to lure eachother into a false state of comfort only to sink their fangs into the backs of others. and they call me the cold blooded one.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

the mold broke after i was born. her body curvacious and slim fit she could move with the grace of a snake slithering. well toned and deadly she is the stealer of hearts and one who can twist the minds of men and women eyerywhere.

Body Features

porclin scales of pure radient beauty cover her shoulders and upper thighs she is highly flexable and even able to move as if there were no bones at all.

Facial Features

extravagent makeup covers her well defined and soft face her lush lips a deep crimison. eyes that radient such power they could turn a mear mortal to stone upon her gaze.

Identifying Characteristics

snake like tongue and two small viper like fangs in place of her canines scales on her body

Physical quirks

soft voice her 's slurred a bit.

Apparel & Accessories

amaulet of the worship to medusa that she has magicaly sealed around her neck

Mental characteristics

Personal history

scylla from a young age was a magic adept her sister and her each held a very strong connection to the arts. they had both attended a college to learn to channel and control their magics scylla studied under a grand wizard. an attrocious and foul man who had used his students against eachother teaching them to use that of the darker ways of magic in order to inflict pain and suffering insteed of the balance and harmony the school had been so well known for scylla rose quickly through the ranks past her other classmates. her teacher had been manipulating and controling their emotions and minds planting false memories and false senses of security in them. fabricating a delicate web of lies to keep the students under his spell. one day scylla had realised the pain and suffering she had been tought to inflict upon others and with this she sought to run away from the college. late one night the courtyard of the college her teacher had cought her attempting to leave he proceeded to battle her. spells were casted each shed blood but in the end the teacher had won with a cheep and disgusting trick. he faked his death and while she panicked on the disposal of the body he sprung up from behind her using magic to burn a scar onto her back from there he held her down and tried to have his way with her. since that night scylla had become a hollow shell of the natue loving magic adept she had once been until finially one night in her sleep she heard a soft voice it was that of the godess medusa. she had bestowed an amulet to scylla that would protect her from the harm of evil both man and astral. from there scylla sworn her alligence and pledged to worship the goddess inorder to become that of her image. that same night scylla awoke from her slumber her heart racing sweat running down her face. she looked at her hand and that of a serpent like dagger had ben clutched in her hand she heard a whisper of the voice of medusa say to her " do it....take your vengence on that wretched man... take his life and leave him cold as stone" she had walked towards her teachers bed chambers opening his door he was fast asleep she crept up onto his bed and sat atop his chest as she raised the dagger he awoke in panic he plead and begged for mercy and forgiveness. syclla plunged the dagger into his heart and twisted it the screams all but faint whsipers to her as she felt true power rush through her she twisted it more and more until finially the screams stoped and she heard a crack. as she looked down his body had turned into stone his face forever petrified into that of his truest form fear. she left the school that night with none the wiser of her actions. she travled the world as a fortune teller becomeing once again one with nature while keeping an eye out for thoese of pure and innocence. during her exploits she had finially recieved a letter from her sister telling her of her graduation and how she had become a council member for a group of high royal magic users. that same night scylla awoke with fear medusa stood at the end of her bed and had told her of her sisters ceremony and tragic event during her indoctrination a masked figure had killed her there were no suriviors from the ceremony the only thing left of the assaliant was that of a cruedly carved mask shaped of porclin. that of a gashia since then scylla swore vengence on her to hunt her to the ends of the earth and take her life for her sisters. during this journy she studied more of the dark arts trying to find a way to bring back her beloved sister no matter the cost.

Gender Identity

identifies as pan sexual female


swings both ways


highest for of education in the college for the arcane arts


wandering fortune teller

Accomplishments & Achievements

killing her evil teacher and learning powerful dark arts

Mental Trauma

the horror and ptsd of that night in the court yard feeking week and unable to run.

Intellectual Characteristics

highly brialant spell caster and extreme knowledge of the dark arts as well as that of wiccian and other spiritual followings of nature

Morality & Philosophy

believes that the innocent and pure are worth fighting for that no one should be scared or have to hide their true forms.


will unconsciously hiss her tounge from time to time

Personality Characteristics


to find a way to bring back her beloved sister and restore peace and beauty to the nature of the land.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

spell casting

Likes & Dislikes

nature, dogs, magic, beauty, snakes, dislikes: evil, hidden personas, lying, thoese who take advantage of the innocent.


always clean and makes sure to put on a freshly cleaned outfit each day


Contacts & Relations

relations deceased sister

Family Ties

grew up in a normal house hold mostly kept ties with her father and sister

Religious Views

believes in being one with nature and worships the goddess merdusa

Social Aptitude

is mostly quiet always watching waiting to take action


she tends to be forgetful from time to time due to having her head constantly going over spells and rituals of pratice

Hobbies & Pets

a familiar that goes by the name ava mostly takes the form or a black lab true form of a hell hound

Wealth & Financial state

lives a modest life

loving, persuasive, venomious, sharp tounge, sassy witch

View Character Profile
chaotic neutral
serpent styled green eyes
snake tails
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair with porclin colored scales
Known Languages
common, abbysal, draconic

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