Hallifrazzle Glendicoot

Hallifrazzle Glendicoot is a co-owner of the firm of Glendicoot and Flintwhistle, one of the several shipping firms that handle cargo in and out of Sweetwater. Marquis Wyrdswyrth Spikeberry is a longstanding client, responsible for a hefty portion of the goods handled by the firm. Only Count Crestrider of Sweetwater County would be considered a more important relationship for the firm.


Hallifrazzle is a late middle-aged Gnome, and is beginning to show the first signs of the "calcification" that eventually claims all Gnomes. Despite the fact that he is slowing down a bit, he is still bright-eyed. His manner of dress would likely be considered ostentation by his own folk, but he tries to maintain the appearance of "belonging" among the richer folk of Sweetwater town.

First Impression

Starting a conversation with Hallifrazzle quickly reveals the fact that he is the more scatterbrained of the two partners. While his conversations don't precisely "wander", they do get sidetracked a lot. When asked about the business, he waves his hand and refers the querent to his partner, Nartibrane Flindwhistler.
Full Name
Hallifrazzle Glendicoot
Primary Location
Sweetwater Town
Co-owner of Glendicoot and Flindwhistler
Date of Birth
30 Time of V'nbarrgh's Greataxe, 1895CR
Important Associates
Nartibrane Flindwhistler
GM Only - Goal/Attitude/Stake


Hallifrazzle doesn't seem to have any real goal. He's already wealthy enough to retire; he stays in business because it's something to do. (Gnomes will age - and calcify - faster if they do not keep themselves interested in things.)


Hallifrazzle's attitude is always positive and friendly. He'll talk to anyonee willing to spend some time listening.


As his fortune is already made, Hallifrazzle doesn't have any real stake in his business - as long as it's prospering. His wealth was the major source of funding for the company when it was growing; now he's free to spend his money on pretty much whatever he wishes.


Page Banner Orc Warrior Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay
Page Banner Sailing Ship Image by GLady from Pixabay


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