Nartibrane Flindwhistler

Nartibrane Flindwhistler is one of the two co-owners of the shipping firm Glendicoot and Flindwhistler, which operates in the Town of Sweetwater in the Kingdom of Tyrnabay.


Nartibrane is a typical Gnome of middle age. His 3ft 3in (99cm), 83lb (38kg) frame is not imposing, but the penetrating stare of his almost coal-black eyes is. He's got a thick head of black hair, laced with a few traces of grey. Unusual for a Gnome, he chooses to keep his facial hair short and well groomed. (The usual options are to either leave a beard uncut entirely, or to shave the whole thing off.)

First Impression

Engaging in a conversation with Nartibrane makes it clear very quickly that he is quite aware of everything that's going on around him - and especially aware of anything that might either affect him or give him the opportunity to increase his wealth. Gold is is first love. He is polite and "proper" enough, but after a while, the impression that he's always looking for "angles" will come across.
Full Name
Nartibrane Flindwhistler
Primary Location
Warehouse in Sweetwater
Co-owner of Glendicoot and Flindwhistler
Date of Birth
First Turning Holiday, 1981CR

Important Associates
Hallifrazzle Glendicoot
GM Only - Goal/Attitude/Stake


Nartibrane's goal is to acquire as much gold as he can.

When encountered in the Case of the Wayward Wine Adventure, his initial goal is to avoid being identified as the reason why Marquis Spikeberry's casks of wine have gone missing. His secondary goal is to avoid any negative fallout once the truth is revealed.


Nartibrane comes across as a shrewd, calculating businessperson. Everyone he meets is seen as either a potential client or potential dupe - either way there must surely be some money to be made!


Nartibrane's stake in the Case of the Wayward Wine Adventure is to ensure the continued relationship of his firm with the Marquis, since losing that contract would be devastating for business. Of course this did not stop him from jeopardizing the contract by making a quick pile of coin from reselling the prized wine!


Page Banner Orc Warrior Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay
Page Banner Sailing Ship Image by GLady from Pixabay


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