Orclands March

The westernmost regions of the Kingdom of Tyrnabay - the lands between the Boarwood Forest and the mountains of the Broken Ranges - is known to the people of Tyrnabay as the Orclands March.


The Orclands have been home to semi-nomadic tribes of Orcs since long before the Kingdom of Tyrnabay was formed shortly after The Great Strife. In fact, Orcs have hunted the Boarwood and fished the Spinevein River and northern shores of Evermist Lake since not long after their Awakening; it is one of the two regions of Cartyrion that all Orcs consider sacred ancestral lands.

Thus, it was not surprising that when the first human settlers started making their way through the Boarwood to establish farms near the river, there were numerous clashes - and massacres - perpetrated by both sides. During the first three hundred years or so of the Common Reckoning Era, incursions by non-Orcs waxed and waned. Finally, in the year 342CR, an agreement was reached between the indigenous Orcs and the Kingdom of Tyrnabay.

Under this agreement, Tyrnabay formally established the Orclands March. Spineview Keep was erected to serve as administrative center of the march, and a Marquis title was granted to the Human chosen to govern it. The Marquis would have dominion over any settlers arriving from the Kingdom. These settlers would not be permitted to cross the Spinevein. The indigenous Orcs living west of the river would be self-governing, paying no taxes or tribute to the Kingdom, free to govern themselves and adjudicate any internal issues as they chose. They were also free to send hunting parties eastward to the Boarwood as long as they did not disrupt any settlers. Orcs choosing to make their permanent homes between the river and the Boarwood would answer to the Marquis; initially, there were very few who did so.
Geopolitical Unit
March (County)
Ruler's Title
Marquis of Tyrnabay
Ruler's Liege
Monarch of Tyrnabay
Current Ruler
Wyrdswyrth Spikeberry

<10,000 (estimate)
Orc: 80%
Human: 17%
Other: 3%

Spineview Keep
Other Settlements
Border Home
River Home
Fishing Home



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