Experience Guidelines

XP Request Rules

Thing you want raised:
Level you want it raised to:
XP Cost to raise it:
Athletics 2
My character has gotten a local gym membership and has started training twice per week.  
You must justify your xp purchases. Spending XP and growing stronger is part of your characters story. Tell that story in your XP requests.  
How much justification do I need?  
  • Level 0->1: When buying something new you need more justification in the form of why your character is learning this and how they are learning it. Say who is teaching you, or how you are learning this new skill.
  • Level 1->2 and Level 2->3: a few sentences are fine for these levels, to explain how you are strengthening your new abilities.
  • Level 3->4: Here is where you need to step up in your justification. Tell how your character mastered the ability, who their mentor was, how they learned this skill and how they decided and learned their specialty. This is a great time to mention times you used whatever you are buying up in game. Learning this level will take a minimum of 3 months to learn completely.
  • Level 4->5: This is where you the player work with the ST team to have your PC earn a level 5 in something. Having good justification for prior levels will absolutely help support your argument for increase here. Having in character support for your training/learning and use of whatever you are buying up is also necessary. There is not a specific time frame to learn something at level 5. The HST has final say if a character has gained sufficient proficiency.
XP Rules by type of dots:
Attributes: Attributes have no special rules, but need stronger justification than Abilities as they are a primary stat in the game.  
Abilities: Abilities are pretty basic. They need to follow the justification rules above, but have no special rules.  
  1. You MUST cast your art in character before asking to buy it up. Screenshot if necessary.
  2. For Arts at levels 4 and 5 you MUST have an IC mentor. There is an NPC for every art if you can find them or PCs and teach other PCs. You may also request a quest to learn these arts.
  3. Three months after purchase of a 3rd dot you may request for a 4th dot. Any Art at a 5 requires HST approval.
  4. Realms: Same as arts.
Glamour, Willpower and buying off flaws: Need strong justification to raise. No special rules. Flaws may require a scene to buy off.  
Adding Merits: Case by case basis. Merits must make sense for the PC.  
Backgrounds: You may spend 3XP per dot to increase backgrounds upon request.  
INCENTIVE FOR GOOD JUSTIFICATIONS: Good justifications can earn you backgrounds for free. For example: if you bluebook and justify raising your athletics by working with a personal trainer and describe a good story around it, you can get your personal trainer as an ally, contact or dreamer. The more effort you put into making a realistic story of growth around your XP spends rather than just making a just of dots you want the more you will be rewarded for your efforts.  
Satyr PCs: Due to the Satyr Birthright requesting an increase in Stamina will cost one dot less than what is on the sheet. It is the Player's responsibility to remember this.
As of 06/19/2023 we will be processing XP requests at the resolution of each SL/chapter, with a possible mid-chapter request if the SL is longer than 3 months.   We will also decrease the amount of XP awarded for activity, in favor of allowing Jme to award XP for SL participation and any particularly inspired character moments she finds worthy. This is to better emulate the move to a tabletop gaming style   Base XP per activity (8x IC with other PCs monthly) will be 6. This will accumulate and be awarded in lump sums prior to the XP requests being opened. We will give at least a full week's notice for requests, to allow everyone time to post up in their forum threads.