Heart of Fire Freehold

Major PC freehold, Baronial Seat in Forbidden Secrets

County of Forbidden Secrets, Duchy of Delta Crescent

Freeholder: Tristan MacLaren ap Fiona

Can I find it? Heart of Fire has a brightly burning balefire, befitting of it's role as a former county freehold.  It can be found by any fae with a Kenning of 1 or more.

How do I get there?
  Travel to City Park, walk just north. The freehold is in the building of an old, restored church.

Can Unenchanted people enter?
Unenchanted people can travel in the main room, kitchen and in the first floor of the church.  They cannot enter the balefire room, trod, library or upstairs floors.

Two Entrances:
The church can be entered through the main door facing the mundane world and a back entrance that goes through the Old Spanish Fort and travels a short span of silver path through the near dreaming.

Does it have a trod? 
Yes, Heart of Fire has a powerful Silver Trod that connects to several major pathways within Willows

Temple / Church
Characters in Location

Articles under Heart of Fire Freehold