Chapter: Deliver letter for Baron Brandybock Plot in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Chapter: Deliver letter for Baron Brandybock

Deliver a letter for Baron Brandybock to his sister in Elturel. Lady Brandybock is married to a nobleman in Elturel and is currently residing there. Baron Brandybock wants to send her a letter telling her what has transpired here. Will offer the party payment of 20 GP if they will make sure the letter gets delivered.   The sister has received some mean letters written by Baron Brandybock while under the curse. He was forced to create a divide between himself and his sister so she wouldn't come to his aid. The party will find her at odds with her brother. But if handled carefully. She will be a great ally in Elturel.

Plot points/Scenes

Baron Brandybock will 20 GP if the heroes take and deliver a letter for him to his sister.   Letter will be trapped with letter locking. And the sister will become hostile and suspicious of the characters if the letter shows signs of being tampered once it reaches her. And she is already at odds with her brother as he send her hurtful letters while being cursed.   If the letter is in order she will become very welcoming and they will gain an allied in Elturel higher elite.


Delivery mission, side-quest



Baron Brandybock if he gets saved from the mind control crown will after everything is said and done as the heroes to deliver an important letter to his sister in Elturel.   If the heroes mention traveling there, Baron Brandybock will comment on how convenient it would be to have his letter delivered by a trusted group.


The letter is secretly locked. And if the party tries to open the letter after being told not to the folding will show. The sister will then be very suspicious of the heroes if the letter has been tampered with.   Also the heroes need to request an audience to receive her grace. Otherwise if the letter is untampered but delivered only to her servants she will not know of the heroes until it is too late.


Letter gets delivered in one way or another.



Deliver the letter for gold paid.   Gain the trust of Baron Brandybocks sister


Baron Brandybock will openly ask the heroes to deliver the letter

Red Herrings

The heroes don't know it is an interquet design that will break upon opening the letter. From the outside it will look just like a folded piece of paper.



The adventuring party



Letter given in Hinforte and should be delivered to Elturel
Plot type
Chapter: Deliver letter for Baron Brandybock
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