Human Species in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Humans are the most common and versatile species. They live shorter more intense lives. But are so very good at using them to their fullest extent.   A normal human goes to the age of about 80 or 90 years. And an normal human can accomplished astonishing things during this short lifespan

Basic Information


Humanoid, medium size. One head, one torso. Two arms, two legs. 10 fingers, and also 10 toes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction

Growth Rate & Stages

Born after 9 months. Young until they are at least 7 years old. Considered to be children until some where around 20 years of age

Ecology and Habitats

Humans can be found pretty much any where. Only exception is extreme weather zones

Dietary Needs and Habits

Can eat pretty much any thing. But need to feed almost all the time.

Biological Cycle

Grows up from children. Then ages to old age and dies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Have lifelong social bonds

Facial characteristics

Male have facial hair

Average Intelligence

Intelligent species

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

No darkvision

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Usually a government or ruling body. Then specialization for the different members in the society

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common is the most spoken language

Common Dress Code

All members in the species wear clothing all year around


Descends down from the ancient bipedal pre-humanoids
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Bipedal Humanoids
85 - 90 years
Average Height
5' - 6' 11"
Average Weight
100 - 500 lbs
Average Physique
Though bodies that can withstand a lot of endurance
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Comes in all colors and variations. Adapts after local climat


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