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Infernal Contract for the book of Melkyal

Infernal Contract

THIS CONTRACT is herein and forthwith binding and agreed upon as of the ______day of__________________, Year ____ within the PMP, between Dral'gath the Ensnarer and having its principal place of business in or around the Nine Hells of Baator, or any agents named herein (the “Signer” and _____________________________, of the PMP, the Contract Signee's (the “Signee's”). WHEREAS the Signee's being of due desire to obtain the benefit of the services of the Signer, and the Employees in their course of conduct desire to have such services rendered forthwith and hereupon on the terms and conditions set forth.   IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:
  1. First Pact
    The Signer will, to the best of their ability, aid the Signee's in the acquisition of the book of Melkyal. The Signer is to remain as a party member and share in the party's fame, glory, duties, and spoils for the remainder of this contract.
  2. Second Pact
    The Signer will lend aid in the form of physical strength, magical abilities, or knowledge directly concerning the protection of the book of Melkyal.
    This claus is optional and can be brought into effect by the Signee's via written record, oral record, or magical record.
  3. Compensation
    In compensation for aid rendered in the First Pact, the Signer shall be compensated with the souls of the Signee's upon their natural death. Or the souls of all and any entity, with possession of a soul, that is rendered no longer alive by the Signee's during the time of this contract. Or the monetary compensation of the value of the souls delivered in full at the latest at the end of the contract and in the form of the Signers choosing.
  4. Time frames
    The Signer will use out most haste and add no artificial delay in the aid of procuring the book of Melkyal for the Signee's. The book of Melkyal is to be delivered within the lifetime of the member of the Signee's with the shortest lifespan. This contract will also be in affect for the duration of earlier stated lifetime. It is the responsibility of the Signee's to have made compensation laid out above in paragraph titles "Compensation" within said lifetime as described earlier in this clause. All time is to be measured from the standard, non-maigcal altered, time of the PMP.
  5. Termination of Contract
    If any party wishes to terminate the contract early they will register a complaint of contract with the Infernal Court of the Nine Hells (the "Court") no less than 30 PMP years before PMP termination date. Both parties will present compensation claims for the termination of the contract before the court. It is then in the power of the Court to terminate this contract.
  6. Terms and Conditions
    The Signee's agree to all of the following terms set in this contract.
    Non Disclosure Agreement, for the Signer and the Signee's to not disclose this contract, it's whereabouts, it's message or any agreements made between the Signer and Signee's to any 3rd party not involved directly as an agent of the Signer, a member of the Court, or an agent acting on the behalf of the Court.
    That all and any souls emancipated by the part of the Signer while this contract is in force to be transferred under the control of the Signer.
    The Signer is to be allowed existence on the PMP for the duration of this contract as to be able to execute their responsibilities laid out within this contract.
    Should the Signee's choose to enact an optional pact from this contract the Signee's also recognize the Signers right to fair compensation by enacting optional clauses of this contract. Such compensation is to be paid on top of the original compensation for services rendered. And compensation must be delivered within the time set out in paragraph 4 of this contract. The Signer will take compensation in the form of the souls of the Signee's upon death. Or the monetary value of services rendered. Or by services to be rendered by the Signee's to the Signer.
    Any soul that comes into the ownership of the Signer must remain in the possession of the Signer for all future times and timelines. The Signee's recognize that no attempts of revivify or resurrection of a soul in the possession of the Signer is viable and will refrain from any such actions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Signer has caused this contract to be executed by its duly authorized officers and the Signee's has agreed as of the date first above written.     SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED in the presence of:     X_______________________________ _________________ Names of Contract Signee's Date   X_______________________________ _________________ Dral'gath the Ensnarer
Signed by Malkath on the 13th of Eliasis. So far only Malkth have signed.


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