Dragon of Humans Character in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Dragon of Humans

(a.k.a. Hono)

A Seeker Dragon who bonded to Incorneal in Legends of Incorneal and later almost died.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Is a black dragon.

Special abilities

Can transform.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as a Seeker Dragon. Traveled the world, using his transformation magic to learn its secrets and stored them in his hidden cave and searched for a person to spread the knowledge after his death, which he eventually found in Incorneal. They bonded through an ancient ritual that granted Incorneal part of Dragon of Human's powers. The only condition of their bond was that Incorneal let Dragon of Humans live out his life and eventually let him die, then distribute his works to the world. This condition was eventually broken when Incorneal fed him the soul of a god, making him immortal. The breaking of the deal harmed his soul, which transformed him into a Black Dragon, an insult to magic, which many Dragons consider to be worse than death. This is chronicled in Legends of Incorneal.
Known Languages
Dragon of Humans has lived many lives as nearly any race, so knows most of any language.

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