Test Barrens Floodplains Geographic Location in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Test Barrens Floodplains

An area in the Test Barrens that gets flooded every full or new moon.  Near the inlets in the War Ravaged the floodplains are salty, howevere further out the salt gets separated from the clay, creating very fertile farmland.


Very flat, although the areas near the War Ravaged are higher up due to the levels of deposition.  Due to the near constant deposition, there are very few sustained roads through this region.

Fauna & Flora

Almost no animals live here due to the flooding, but most plants thrive further from the War Ravaged, though there are some very beautiful flowers and cacti near the inlets.

Natural Resources

Fertile farmland, clay, nearly any plant.
Alternative Name(s)
Salt Plains
Location under

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