Underlord/Underlady Species in World of Gods | World Anvil
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An immortal race of beings who wield extreme power drawn from souls around them with dominion over a specific part of reality.

Basic Information


Since their body is a manifestation of their soul, they can be in any anatomy, although most choose to be vaguely humanoid.

Genetics and Reproduction

Generally like Humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

After they are born, they grow much like humans until their equivalent of puberty, which happens after about 15 years, after which they gain some of their underlord powers. Before this, their soul is innately linked to their physical body, and is still gathering power from the universe in order to become immortal, so if they get killed, their soul gets destroyed. Their soul becomes immortal after these 15 years, however they are still not full-fledged underlords. After this, at any time they can perform a ritual to grant them a deeper connection to the world, granting them dominion over certain parts of the universe, after which they gain more specialized power and become a full fledged underlord.

Ecology and Habitats

Varies, although they usually live in the World of Gods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While not immortal, need nutrition like Humans, and is either fed by parents, or let loose on their own.

Biological Cycle

Can reproduce any time after their puberty and are born within a day.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Chooses their own name after their ritual, usually relating to their domain, but beforehand has a name related to what they like. For example, if they like cold, they might be named the Cold God. If they like alchohol, they might be named the Drunken God.


Created by the two deities Balance and Chaos.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Created literally everything else.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants

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