Universal War Military Conflict in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Universal War

A war between Chaos and Balance that threatened to destroy the Universe.  During this time many gods were created like Sul, Heisei and Kami in an effort for either side to gain the upper hand, and magic became much more militarized.

The Conflict


Balance started creating stuff and angered Chaos, who had always existed and did not like that Balance was taking over their universe.


Universe, which slowly got developed throughout the war.


Magic useful in every day, so every single magic user started fighting.


Magic available to people to be used to help society funcion.  Universe exists.

Historical Significance


Has left many gods hating conflict, although most of the outside world has forgotten about the war.

Technological Advancement

Technology strong enough to injure gods.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Both Balance and Chaos died, the world calmed down as gods stopped fighting each other, and magic was primarily developed for war.

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