Amon Duskbringer

6th Level Tiefling Sorcerer

Played by Anthony Vitale III

Race: Tiefling
Level/Class: 6th Level Sorcerer (Shadow Magic)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 42
STR:8 DEX:13 CON:14 INT:13 WIS:10 CHA:18   Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: 170 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Copper-red
Birthdate: Ready'reat 26, 587 CY   Biography: Amon was born in a small town of Oakroot, north of the Dreadwood Forest. His mother, a seamstress named Mareriona Steelneedle, lived a modest life there with her family. Amon's father and namesake was an adventurer who would pass through the town from time to time. At least, that was what Mareriona was led to believe. In truth, he was actually an incubus from the Nine Hells, come to tempt and corrupt the mortals of the material plane, and likely wandered from the depths of an ancient dungeon located somewhere in the darkest portions of the Dreadwood.   Mareriona was unaware of all this, of course, until the child was born. By that time however, the incubus had departed for good, leaving behind a flame-shaped pendant for Mareriona to give to the child when he was born. Inscribed upon the back of the curious piece of jewelry was the word "Amon," and nothing more.   To Mareriona's great surprise, her child was born with devilish features: red skin, horns sprouting from the top of his forehead, and a forked tail. Her parents, ashamed and afraid at what she had birthed banished her to the Dreadwood with the infant.   It was there that Mareriona met Erick Strongbow. She knew the dangers of the Dreadwood but had never seen them in person. She trudged through the dense forest her family had left her in, navigating fields of swamp and dank undergrowth. It wasn't long before a creature of these deadly woods picked up the scent of easy prey and began stalking her. As nightfall approached, and Mareriona sought shelter for the evening, a ferocious displacer beast pounced for the kill, overtaking the woman and her bundled child easily. But Mareriona's fierce nature arose unbidden and she struggled against the onslaught with terrible determination, hoping to protect her strange but beloved child. Her screams echoed through the thick canopies of the forest trees above and reached the ears of Erick Strongbow who was ranging alone nearby.   Swiftly, the legendary archer charged through the underbrush after the source of Mareriona's desperate cries. Yet as he drew near, he saw in the broken moonlight the form of the large, tentacled black beast growling and snarling in the direction of a large mass of utter darkness that his eyes could not penetrate.   He fired a shot at the beast, scaring it off into the wilderness and approached the strange gloom, and as he neared, faint cries of a baby could be heard from within. As the ebon cloud vanished before his eyes he saw the mortally wounded form of a woman, clutching an infant in her cradled arms. Gently, Erick took the baby from the arms of the dying mother and leaned close so he could hear her struggling whispers. She asked him to swear that he would look after the child, and the Ranger Lord nodded his consent. No further words could she speak after the promise was assured, so she merely pointed to the pendant around the baby's neck as she passed away on the damp forest floor. Seeing the name inscribed upon the pendant, and from his witnessing of the child's strange power, he named him Amon Duskbringer.   Thereafter, Amon lived a sheltered life in the Dreadwood. Erick and his drow wife Dretché did not want others to judge Amon because of his strange heritage, knowing he would face such challenges in the years to come. As he grew, Amon developed a great fondness for the dark elf, perhaps because he knew that she too faced the similar struggles of being shunned for her appearance and her innate magical abilities. She was able to help him learn to control and use his magic wisely. And so, Amon lived thusly for seventeen years in the care and shadow of the Strongbow clan.   During these early years he spent much time hunting beasts of the Dreadwood with Erick and Aerdon. He also developed a strong kinship with Erick's own son, Arakhor, a half-drow of unusual heritage himself. And so, when the time came for Arakhor, Aerdon, and their half-orc companion Greault to set out in search of young Geoffey Aspensore IV, he was most eager to join them, hoping to one day make a legacy for himself and find answers to his shadowed past.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the dungeons of Rappan Athuk

Year of Birth
587 20 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Bandit's Nest
Rappan Athuk


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