Amos Dunstan

5th Level Dwarf Fighter

Played by Cale Laquidara

Race: Dwarf (Mountain)
Level/Class: 5th Level Fighter (Battle Master)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 57
STR:18 DEX:10 CON:18 INT:10 WIS:13 CHA:8   Height: 4 feet 8 inches
Weight: 185 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Golden Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pale White
Birthdate: Patchwall 13, 539 CY   Biography: Amos hails from the city of Irongate, having come down from that mountainous realm to seek adventure along the coast of Naerie. After serving as a soldier in the armies of that region for about a dozen years, Amos responded to his family's request for aid to seek the whereabouts of his distant cousin, Gundran Rockseeker. He followed a series of leads that led him to the capital city of Naerie and discovered that his cousin had been captured and was being held hostage by a band of goblins and their bugbear leader.   Amos managed to assemble a band of adventurers to aid him in his quest to recover Gundran and together they became embroiled in a series of heroic endeavors that led them to the small mining town of Phandalin, south of the captial. There Amos and his allies broke up a band of brigands that had been harassing and extorting the townsfolk. Together, they also cleared out an old keep called Kragmaw Castle and ultimately tracked down the location of Gundran in the lost mines of Phandelver. There they foiled the plans of a mysterious drow known as the Black Spider and restored the mine into the hands of the people of Phandalin once more.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Amos was last seen heading east of Phandalin with his comrades.

Year of Birth
539 68 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Lost Mine of Phandelver


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