Asher Grimm

3rd Level Half-Elf Warlock

Played by Adam Zaremba

Race: Half-Elf
Level/Class: 3rd Level Warlock (Archfey)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 22
STR:8 DEX:14 CON:15 INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:17   Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 187 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Hazel (flares magenta when invoking)
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Needfest 4, 561 CY   Biography: Asher Grimm is the son of Ralenoqin Grimm, a powerful elf warrior-mage and sentinel of the Coldwood in the Adri forest. The Grimm family has a long history of containing the evil trapped inside the Coldwood, and many of Ralenoqin’s children have also served as sentinels honored and appointed directly by the Silverbow Sages of Lendore. Asher, as the only half-elf of the family, has not been so honored, despite having demonstrated an early aptitude and an engaging charisma. Feeling pressured to reach an unachievable standard, Asher instead spent his time among the human towns in the Ardi. His rowdy behavior soon led to his being ostracized by his father and cut off from the family wealth. This led to him spending a period of time working as a traveling alchemist: powerful alchemy also being a family legacy.   Through his practice, foraging for rare ingredients near the ruined city of Summer Stars, he found a power beyond the world of the Flanaess. Strange fey powers were gifted to him, with the promise of more powerful magics to come, by a female presence from beyond. Known to Asher only as "Lady Archfey," he has found in her the means to achieve greatness in spite of his father’s influence. Asher believes her to be a good and powerful patron from the Feywild, probably a faerie queen, but maybe a unicorn, eladrin or even Sehanine Moonbow herself. He's also aware due to his proximity to Bitterness, it could also be an echo of Queen Sharafere, looking to right the wrongs of her son from beyond.   Because of his proximity to Bitterness, Ashers father feared a darker truth: this could also be Sharafere’s son, Darnakurian. And if not him, possibly the dark forces that spoke to him from the void, or even the artifact, Hunger, itself. After a heated confrontation, Asher was sent far from the Ardi, to atone in military service along the Ratikan coastline. Here, he found purpose facing the threat of encroaching evil humanoids, and found companions-in-arms. Occasionally, several of his siblings would reach out to bring him back to the fold, but his father has yet to send word directly. Asher also considers them not on speaking terms. And still, his Lady Archfey continues to whisper in his ear, “Practice your invocations so you may channel even greater powers, beloved. When it is time, you will join me on an eldritch throne.”

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the hidden ruins of Quasqueton in northern Ratik.

Year of Birth
561 46 Years old

Adventure History

606 CY
In Search of the Unknown


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