Bartle B. Gold

14th Level Half-Elf Bard

Played by Joseph Towers

Race: Half-Elf (High/Oeridian)
Level/Class: 14th Level Bard (College of Swords)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 92
STR:10 DEX:20 CON:12 INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:18   Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 145 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Gold
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Reaping 22, 578 CY   Biography: Bartle B. Gold, "Bartleby" or "Bart" for short, is the son of the Most Worthy Dame Gold of Safeton. He does not know who his father was, only that he was obviously of pure elven lineage, as his mother never speaks of him and rebukes any attempts to lead the conversation there. Dame Gold is a wealthy aristocrat and has functioned as the leader of the town of Safeton for decades. She experienced much hardship during the period of time when the Slavelords of the Wild Coast were prominent. She herself was captured by slavers and her manor burned to the ground. It was also Dame Gold who originally called for aid from the band of heroes who successfully saved the village of Hommlet from the machinations of the Temple of Elemental Evil, thus involving them in their ensuing conflict with the dreadful Slavelords themselves. Ultimately, Bartleby's mother was rescued by the Ten and returned safely to her town where she resumed her leadership role and soon after, the role of motherhood.   Bartleby grew up enthralled by the stories of Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III and the exploits of the Ten. Fascinated by their legendary status, he sought to be the voice of their tales (along with tales of other great and powerful heroes). Bart displayed an amazing talent as both a singer and an instrumentalist. Many in the house of Dame Gold came to call him "The Golden Tenor" and his ability to captivate his growing audiences only broadened as he grew older.   At the age of 25 (still quite young for someone of half-elven heritage), Bartleby set out for the halls of Goldenridge to demonstrate his artistic talents to the court of his long-revered heroes. He left with the blessings of his mother, as she knew that he would be well received in Lord Geoffrey's barony in Keoland. It took him almost two months to make the journey by horse, but the name of the Golden Tenor began to circulate in the wake of the inns and taverns he performed in along the way. As predicted, Bartleby was graciously accepted in the court of Goldenridge and before long he befriended Lord Geoffrey's son and namesake, Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV. Together, the two spent much time daydreaming and planning for the day when they might depart on their own grand adventure.   In the spring of 605 CY, Bartleby, young Geoffrey, and a small band of others they recruited, set out into the Dreadwood Forest south of Goldenridge following the lead of a halfling named Olo Highhill. The halfling claimed to know the location of a bandit encampment that had been harassing travelers on the road through the western woods. Unfortunately, Olo's suggestion was part of an elaborate ruse planned by Eclavdra, an old enemy of the Ten. Bartleby and the rest were poisoned, captured, and dragged into the Underdark, hundreds and hundreds of miles away. When they finally awoke they found themselves confined in Velkynvelve, a drow prison deep beneath the surface of the Oerth; until fortune or fate intervened and the small band managed to escape with the drow priestess in charge of the prison hot on their heels.   In time, Bartleby managed to escape with his comrades back to the surface after a wild series of escapades and ferocious battles to win their freedom. Ilvara, the priestess that pursued them was captured and returned to Goldenridge where she herself was confined to the barony's dungeons. The excitement and celebration over their return to the surface world was short-lived, as the heroes were drawn into another quest – this time, in a realm of southern Keoland: the Viscounty of Eor. Bart and his fellow adventurers embarked on a dangerous mission at the behest of the Count of Eor to root out and destroy the source of banditry plaguing the roads leading east and west through his lands. In time, they discoverd the raids were being led by none other than the legendary Lizard King, Sakatha, who was thought to have been dead for many long years. They delved into the dungeons beneath his temple in the Hool Marshes and laid low the vampiric lizard king and his cruel minions.   Just as Bartleby was beginning to enjoy his new found fame back in the sunlit world, the call for adventure arose once more. At the behest of King Brogun Stoneheart of Urrakbek-Duum, young Geoffrey and his other friends pressured Bart into coming with them back into the Underdark to see if they could discover the mystery surrounding the presence of powerful demons wreaking havoc in the sunless realms below. In 606 CY, Bartleby disappeared into the Underdark once more, against all of his desires and internal warnings, to offer what services he might to his increasingly powerful comrades.   The group has not been seen or heard from since.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Last seen in the dwarven fortress of Urrakbek-Duum, where he descended into the Underdark with his fellow adventurers.

Year of Birth
578 29 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part I)
Tomb of the Lizard King

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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