Borgadin Ironhelm

5th Level Dwarf Cleric/Fighter

Played by Robert Aldred

Race: Dwarf (Mountain)
Level/Class: 3rd Level Cleric / 2nd Level Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Evil)

Hit Points: 54
STR:18 DEX:14 CON:18 INT:12 WIS:15 CHA:12   Height: 4 feet 9 inches
Weight: 195 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Red Brown
Complexion: Pale
Birthdate: Fireseek 19, 481 CY   Biography: Perhaps the truest thing that can be said about Borgadin Ironhelm is that he is unstable, at best. Raised in a decadent dwarf-clan high up in the Flinty Hills, Borgadin refused to join the priesthood of Moradin, as his father commanded. Cast out and reviled by his own people for his lack of reverence to the traditional dwarven deities, and for a streak of violent and uncontrolled behavior, Borgadin journeyed south into the human kingdoms of eastern Oerik. There, he was seduced by the servants of dark gods and enlisted as a disciple of Hextor and assuming the name of “Valen.” After serving that fell deity for several years, Borgadin became involved with a band of mercenaries and since joining with them has found the dark path of Hextor no longer to his liking. He has abandoned that faith in favor of another; that of Gendwar Argrim, dwarven god of obsession and fatalism. Borgadin believes that Gendwar speaks to him directly, and that the path to his redemption will be revealed in time.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in the Domain of Greyhawk, somewhere east of the city.

Year of Birth
481 126 Years old

Adventure History

597 CY
The Search for Malleck Dern
The Blue Key
Eye for an Eye
The Demonclaw

598 CY
The Cradle of Madness


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