Caine Blackhand

19th Level Human Fighter/Barbarian

Played by Ben Mooney

Race: Human (Suloise-Oeridian)
Level/Class: 15th Level Fighter (Battle Master) / 4th Level Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 259
STR:23 DEX:19 CON:20 INT:13 WIS:12 CHA:12   Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 243 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown (graying-white)
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Harvester 22, 561 CY   Biography: From the limited information he could garner from his parents, Caine Blackhand can trace his lineage back to a clan of humans that lived in the Rakers, a harsh environment that provided little sustenance, where only the most hearty could survive. At some point, the Blackhand clan decided to leave the Rakers behind and seek prosperity in more hospitable lands. Over the years and through their travels, the clan splintered off and divided, families settled and grew roots. Others continued, past the Theocracy of the Pale, through Urnst, and into the Domain of Greyhawk.   With little money, Caine’s parents, Oldem and Emeline, settled down and built a farm on the outskirts of the small mining town of Diamond Lake. With access to the city and being able to sell crops and livestock, the small family was able to live peacefully. Being an only child, Caine worked hard on his family’s farm as an adolescent. He proved to be strong and tough, “Just like your ancestors” his father would say. When given a difficult task, Caine almost stubbornly worked through it, day and night until he was done tilling fields and removing rocks from the earth.   When he was a young man, Caine lost his parents to illness. After burying them right on their small plot of land as they wished, he continued to work the farm for a time. Without his parents though, Caine found little satisfaction in tilling fields and herding goats. He desired something more that could give him purpose, and so he ventured into Greyhawk City to find just that. Being a strong and capable individual, Caine quickly found himself being recruited by the Greyhawk Militia, and with his knowledge of the area, was assigned to the Cairn Hills Force.   Through a combination of his gruff demeanor, commanding presence, and not being a complete drunkard, Caine was able to climb the enlisted ranks and was put in command of a squadron of men designated to patrolling roads and protecting caravans and travelers from bandits. Through combat he began to develop a keen battle focus, and found himself able to shrug off wounds and cut down marauders and raiders with ease. In his downtime, he began to carve chess pieces from stone, and would enjoy challenging his men to games of chess to keep his mind sharp. Overall, Caine showed promise and skill in combat and leadership while in the Militia, but found himself listless and desiring greater purpose than driving out cutpurses.   After a substantial period of service, Caine found himself stationed back in Diamond Lake, near the old farm he used to live in. Strange coincidences began to occur there. He befriended an odd, unintelligible dog-man living in a cave and decided to help feed and clothe him. A spry and convincing halfling named Tift Greenbarrow provided a map promising great wealth and adventure. All this happening after a long absence from his family home. Perhaps there were signs that he was destined to some higher purpose after all...

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Caine and his comrades are currently in the city of Alhaster on the north shore of the Nyr Dyv, fighting against the forces of Kyuss to stop the Age of Worms.

Year of Birth
561 46 Years old

Adventure History

599 CY
The Whispering Cairn
The Three Faces of Evil
Encounter at Blackwall Keep
The Hall of Harsh Reflections
The Champion's Belt
A Gathering of Winds
The Spire of Long Shadows

600 CY
The Prince of Redhand
The Library of Last Resort
Kings of the Rift
Into the Wormcrawl Fissure
Dawn of a New Age


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