Caric Lightbringer

20th Level Human Fighter

Played by Anthony Vitale II

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 20th Level Fighter (Cavalier)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 240
STR:22 DEX:26 CON:20 INT:12 WIS:12 CHA:16   Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 170 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Reaping 1, 555 CY   Biography: Having long ago sworn his life to chivalry, honor and goodness, Caric Lightbringer has faithfully served his God, his country, and his friends with a faithfulness and resolve that most men only dream of. After a long and prosperous adventuring career, Caric journeyed to the County of Urnst to serve as needed in the Greyhawk Wars, after which he returned to the service of his Lord Geoffrey in the Kingdom of Keoland. Caric and Geoffrey are close friends, each trusting the other implicitly, and together make for a pair of deadly tacticians.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Whereabouts unknown. Caric departed with the Ten from Goldenridge in 605 CY on a mission to find and recover Geoffrey Aspensore IV.

Year of Birth
555 52 Years old

Adventure History

577 CY
The Temple of Elemental Evil

578 CY
Slave Pits of the Undercity
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
Assault on the Aerie of the Slavelords
In the Dungeons of the Slavelords

579-580 CY
The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
The Hall of the Fire Giant King
Descent into the Depths of the Earth
Shrine of the Kuo-Toa
Vault of the Drow
Queen of the Demonweb Pits

582 CY

594 CY
Labyrinth of Madness

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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