
9th Level Human Druid

Played by Cale Laquidara

Race: Human (Oeridian-Flan)
Level/Class: 9th Level Druid (Circle of the Land)
Alignment: Neutral (Good)

Hit Points: 68
STR:8 DEX:16 CON:14 INT:10 WIS:18 CHA:10   Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 165 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Weathered/tanned
Birthdate: Sunsebb 4, 574 CY   Biography: Cén was born Coén Asnabel, under the new moon of Sunsebb in the city of Verbobonc. His parents, Gilbert and Elisa, were the owners of a prosperous bakery. Even to this day, the druid still retains some pleasant memories of helping his mother in her kitchens. Unfortunately, Coén's father was a violent drunk, sunken in demeanor and reputation to a wretched degenerate man, and Coén grew to hate him intensely. This hatred was not lost on his cruel father, and one night, Gilbert beat his wife to death and fled into the streets of Verbobonc like a wild animal set loose into the wilderness.   His life upturned and destroyed, Coén became a street urchin, wandering the back alleys of the city, always hungry and searching for scraps of food or items of value. In time, the boy forgot most of his previous life and became a begger and a thief, living in the rafters of buildings and abandoned dockside boats. Even his own name became hard to recall, it being years since he heard anyone speak it. And so, Coén became Cén ever after.   A series of events ultimately led Cén out of Verbobonc and into the wilderness. As an unintentional stowaway in the cart of a band of hunters, Cén found himself drawn into the boundless tracks of the Gnarley Forest where he learned the woodsman's craft. In time, he came under the care of the druids of the Old Faith, who found Cén to be an apt student and possessed of an uncanny spiritual connection to the land. His unusual link with Oerth seemed manifest in dreams, portents, and visions, to which his fellow druids attributed great importance. In the spring of 603 CY, Cén was compelled to journey to the west, back to the lands beyond the forest border. A voice seemed to reach out to him through the trees and the earth itself. Taking with him all he had, Cén bid the druids of his order farewell and set out to follow his call.   In the years that followed, Cén wandered the regions east of the Kron Hills, the voice he was hearing seemed to be centered there. It was during this period of his life that Cén befriended a feral half-orc named "Brute." The young creature was wandering the wilderness around the town of Hommlet and demonstrated some knowledge of plant and animal lore. Clearly, the young half-orc had been trained by a druid of some kind. In their travels together, Cén eventually learned enough of Brute's past to discover that he had once been a ward of the famous druid Jaroo of Hommlet. Jaroo had been slain by agents of Elemental Evil that have plagued this region for decades. This information, along with the incessant voices and visions he frequently experienced, compelled Cén to learn more about the old druid's grove in Hommlet and what forces might be at work there.  
Twice before the Temple of Elemental Evil had arisin in power in an attempt to dominate and subjugate this region. Twice before powerful heroes in the region have arisin to thwart their plans. There, in the grove of Jaroo Ashstaff of Hommlet, Cén learned that a third ascension of the cult was at hand.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently in conflict with the Cult of Elemental Evil and the Princes of the Apocalypse in the regions surrounding the town of Hommlet.

Year of Birth
576 31 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Princes of the Apocalypse


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