Charles Brotheengus II

3rd Level Human Paladin

Played by Eion Cloutier

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 3rd Level Paladin (Oath of Glory)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 24
STR:16 DEX:9 CON:13 INT:13 WIS:14 CHA:15   Height: 6 feet
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Coldeven 12, 583 CY   Biography: As the only son of a noble family in the city of Marner in Ratik, Charles was expected to inherit the duties and responsibilities of his family's needs as he came of age. Instead, Charles enlisted in the Ratikan military as soon as he was able, much to his father's dismay. He proved to be a strong and capable warrior and earned the respect of his fellow soldiers during his first deadly skirmish with barbarian invaders that attempted a brazen raid on Shiptown. For his deeds in that battle, Charles was knighted and received the honor of tutelage under the paladins of St. Cuthbert, an exclusive order of holy knights that offer their service and protection to those in need in the lands of Ratik.   Before long, Sir Charles was offered his first mission to accompany an important caravan for protection on its journey northwards along the coast and onward to the small village of Pine Vale. Sir Charles's father, as saddened over the decision of his son to relinquish his duties to his family as he was proud of his son's military achievements, sent with him what money he had to spare, and three gnome house servants that had loyally attended his family for decades: Graspo, Narms, and Ganeel.   Sir Charles's journey with the caravan proved uneventful, but upon reaching his destination in Pine Vale, the young paladin was presented with an opportunity to offer his services to the local magistrate of the small village. A team of adventurers was quickly assembled and Charles joined their numbers. Their quest was to head north into the Timberway Forest, following the trail of a band of renegade gnomes (no relation to Graspo, Narms, and Ganeel) who were rumored to have discovered Quasqueton, the hidden fortress hideaway of the infamous Rogahn and Zelligar. Tales tell that their abode lay abandoned somewhere in the wilderness and that great riches are almost certainly still contained therein, for the notorious duo had not been seen in many years. They had vanished without a trace after their last bold foray into the lands of the northern barbarians. And so, Charles set out into the Timberway with his new compainions in search of the unknown...

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the hidden ruins of Quasqueton in northern Ratik.

Year of Birth
584 23 Years old

Adventure History

606 CY
In Search of the Unknown


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